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Estimated time reset - large hdd


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Dear Reader,


I have a question regarding the searching for files process.

Since last night around 18:00 i have started a deep scan in an effort to recover files on my storage hdd.

It is now 17:30 the next day. so it has almost run for a full day.

By the time i went to sleep it said something like 9 days remaining, not exaclty sure.

When i turned on the monitor today it said 8 hours remaining i believe, it is now up at 10 days. (edit 22:10 up at 23 days now)


Im not in a rush, just have quite a bit of anxiety wheter or not i will be able to recover my files.

My question is, is there maybe something wrong? should i just let it run its course however long it may take?


The details:

Disc Size - 5,45 TB - so its big. (there was around 800gb free before)

My mistake - I accidentally formatted this drive, not a quick format but a real format (it only finds files with deep scan)

It has found 191774 files, which seems about right to me.

It has been stuck at 1% and hasnt moved since the start.


The disc contains a huge number of music files, photo's, movies, pictures. Some of which i hold very dear.

Obviously, my bad and a really stupid user error :(

Should i wait and do i have any hope of recovering my files and them still being intact and not full of artifacts?

Im very anxious and concerned, a portion of it i luckily have back upped, but quite a bit i do not (again my mistake) Was actually just trying to make a backup when i formatted the wrong drive.


If anything is unclear, my apologies im not a native speaker but willing to explain or give more details if i missed or forgot anything.

Thank you for reading and the other software you have put out!

Kind regards,


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G'day kurt and welcome to the forums,


sadly, I don't think it looks good for you.

a 'real' format overwrites all sectors of the disk and would have taken many hours to complete.

plus, as you say, it's a 5TB drive so is huge and will take hours to scan. that process can't be rushed and there's no shortcut.


more sad news, and I really hope I'm wrong, but the chance of any files being recovered back into a usable state is going to be low.

but maybe other members far more experienced in Recuva's finer points will chime in for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Thanks for the welcome!
Late with the reply but here goes

I ended up cancelling the first search by accident i plugged in another hdd while it was running and the other one dissapeared.

After that i ran seperate searches for video, music, and pictures.

I got pretty much everything back!!!!!

So far all the videos and pictures i have opened appear to be totally glitch free and working perfectly!!!

Only a few videos not working, those might be videos that already had been deleted before i even formatted.


So im really happy you can add this to the testemonials because i think its quite a miracle.

Taking into account the size and ammount of files!!


I divided things in separate chunk folders and its going to take a good while sorting all stuff and going through it (for example 70,000 photos)

But thats fine.


Kind regards

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flaming hell, that's a bloody awesome outcome.

to get any file back after a low-level format is simple a miracle.


maybe a format no longer does what it used to, or maybe, you did somehow only do a quick format.


who cares, a win is a win.


thanks for updating your post with the feedback.

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Yeah its amazing, the scan for videos though ran for maybe a week or so before being completed, so it did take quite some time.


I really am convinced or sure that i did a full format, although you still would have to take my word for it.

However i remember this in particular because i was trying to get a drive working, did a quick format and still couldnt use the drive, so i thought hmm lets try the complete/full format then (and thats when i selected the wrong drive)

I could not cancel this, and i did take a few minutes to format to whereas the quick format is pretty much done right away.

Did not put anything or do anything on the drive after, looked online for what i could do and first thing i came across was this and did all my recovering onto an external usb hdd.

By the way, after recovering everything it turned out the drive had some damage to maybe because all the big and intensive things it had to do for pretty much a few weeks straight. (working really slowly and giving warnings that popped up when i tried to put the files back on)

With HD Tune i got failed in the raw read error read, and warning in the current pending sector.

So i replaced it, it was a western digital 6tb green, now i have western digital 6 tb blue.

And whats on the drive is backed up twice more on 2 external drives of 5 and 6tb :)


So thats all there is to this story.

Thanks for recuva! and thanks for the help.



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  • 1 month later...

To: kurtb and mta


Good day! It's my first time in this forum and I have a few questions.


Kurtb: You said ""the scan for videos though ran for maybe a week or so before being completed, so it did take quite some time." -- Since you did separate scans for each of the file types, did it take you a week or so for each of them? or the whole week for all separate scans? 


mta: Is it better if I do what kurtb did, which was to separately scan my drive? Will that make it faster than scanning ALL files at once?


background on my issue: I'm deep scanning a 1TB external WD hard drive, which my laptops do not want to open. (The drive is "detected"as local hard drive e: but once you click it, nothing is opened). I'm on my 3rd day of deep scan (since during the regular scan only a few files were recognized and the file names were all jumbled up, so I decided to use deep scan), and right now its at 26% with estimated time of 9 days (the days fluctuate every now and then). I know that something is happening since last night it was only 25%, but I'm just worried about my laptop being open for 9 more days straight. Also, concerned about the estimated time... maybe something could hasten the work like separately scanning the file types like what kurtb did?


Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch! :)


P.S. I am not at all techie so if you could simplify your responses, that would be great too. Thanks again! :)

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