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External Drive to new enclosure now can't be read


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I have an Western Digital 2TB My Book that worked perfectly up until I tried plugging in the USB cord and the receptacle came detached from the circuit board. I have since tried the drive in two different enclosures with the same result: drive was not recognized and not assigned a letter. I was able to troubleshoot it through a couple of other forums and finally got it to "see" the drive but then wanted me to format the drive. After much more research, my only option at that point was to perform the quick format, which I did.


MOST of the info on the drive is pics & vids and I have about 98% backed up - trying to get the other 2%


Tried Recuva and all seemed good, it even recovered some files - but only what appears to be the original drive documentation pdf instructions. Nothing else.


I wouldn't mind spending the extra $$ on the PRO version - IF it works - is there any way to see what it would recover before I buy it to do the deep scan?


Are there other options?




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Hi Tim, and welcome to the forum.


Firstly, the pro version of Recuva will not give better functionality than the free when it comes to scanning.


Secondly, as the files haven't actually been deleted, have you gone into "Options/Actions" and selected "Scan for non deleted files"?


Lastly, you could try checking that drive out with WD Drive Utilities, available here ...




They might give you an indication as to whether you still have some form of hardware issue, and "WD My Book" is on the list of applicable drives.


Hope that helps.


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