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Accidentally recovered thousands of files to desktop


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I used Recuva to recover some lost files from an external hard drive.  After about 3 hours the recovered files were shown.  Recuva asked me where to put the files, so I selected all of them and chose to put them on my desktop.  I assumed the folder structure would be saved, but it was not.  


Instantly my desktops were filled with files, and I panicked and hit cancel.  My computer slowed way down, and the start bar kept disappearing.  I was finally able to delete the 2 monitors desktop full of files.  My computer continued to act slow, so I uninstalled Recuva.  I tried to reboot but it said something wouldn't close.  I forced shutdown, and when it rebooted, another 2 screens full of files appeared on my desktop.  I tried to shut down again and the same process wouldn't let me.  I repeated the process 5 times, and finally the files did not fill my entire desktop.  So I deleted them and my computer started to act normal.  I rebooted and this time no process stopped me from rebooting.


I'm curious what happened, and if I should be worried about any problems with my computer,  Should I reformat to be safe?


Sorry if my explanation was not very good!

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