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Recuva Doesn't Complete Recovery of Good Files on Scan List


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I have Recuva V 1.53.1087 (on Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit) which I am using to attempt to recover files on a nearly full external hard drive (500 GB). The files were inadvertently deleted with the RmDir command. The files have not been damaged in any way, only deleted.  Since the drive is only online when I power it up and thereby fairly easy to isolate, I figured most of the deleted files would probably be in good shape since I powered off the drive as soon as the problem occurred.


The Recuva scan showed this to be the case, noting that all of the files were in excellent condition with no overwritten clusters. I started the recovery process to a different HD which had nearly 1TB of free space available on it, more than ample to hold the records from a 500 GB hard drive.


Recuva seemed to be recovering the files successfully, calculating the remaining time necessary as 7 hours, which seemed about right to me. After about an hour and a half, Recuva just stopped, saying that the recovery was finished and that about 1679 files had been fully recovered and none only partially recovered. This was only about 5% of the total number of files on the scan list so it obviously hadn’t recovered all the files it needed to.


There were no error messages of any kind nor did the program provide me with any other information to help me determine what had gone wrong. I examined the 1679 files that HAD been recovered and they worked fine. There seems to be no reason to think that the remaining files wouldn’t be recovered successfully as well but the program just seemed to stop before doing so.


Does anyone here have any ideas which may be of help to me? Thanks.

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