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Stage 1 of 3--seems frozen?


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One of my external 1T WD My Passport drives has somehow screwed up. Windows 10 wants to format it; says it is Raw. I downloaded Recuva and although I know it will take quite a long time to do whatever it is supposed to do, it says: Stage 1 of 3, scanning for deleted files//Current progress 0%, 1113613 file(s) found//Calculating time left. It's been like that for over half an hour. Will it at some point move to stage 2 and stage 3??? Am horrified that I may have lost all my ebooks, movies, tv shows, etc.


Is this normal for a drive of that size and considering the number of files on it? Should I just be patient and let it run for x number of hours. If I hit "cancel," what will happen? Will that interrupt the process? Does Recuva work well with Windows 10?


Thanks for any information.





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