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Recover file for Recuva


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Good Morning!

I'm trying to retrieve a file in HD but it is very difficult.

My notebook was only one. So I particionei this unit and saved the files you want in the D: \ drive (auxiliary). However, I had to change my notebook, and ran the recovery notebook for him to return to the original factory state. Then of course the partition disappeared and soon after I realized that I needed that file.

I downloaded the free version of Recuva is put to run, but without success. He just thinks 27 files.

So I decided to purchase the license and the first search, he found more than 1,000,000 files. So far so good, for sure my file would be on the list. However, the scan would take more than four hours and then placed to do early in the morning. When I woke up the next day, the windows had restarted due to installation of updates and I lost all the work. Now, I ask again to make the scan and only appears the same 27 files that appeared in the free version.

can anybody help me?

I need to retrieve that file. This is just a file, a database of a program of a clothing store that I have. The extent of it is .fdb (firebird).


Thank you, 

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