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Made A Mistake


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I recently purchase Recuva with a bundle and installed it, but I wasn't sure what it was for exactly. I hate to sound like a complete idiot, and I'll admit I feel like one—but some how I managed to delete my whole user folder and it's written in old files (over 200k of them) into my user folder instead. My Downloads, My Music, My Pictures... poof. Is there a way to restore my system? I really didn't know what I was doing with it. I apologize ahead of time. I have Aspergers.


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First up, since you purchased Recuva, you get direct support from Piriform, rather than from this forum (in case this method ends up slow to respond or not helpful). :)


Just using Recuva or CCleaner should not have deleted those folders.


Sadly, and from your own admission, not knowing how things got into this state, your skill level, and your disorder, it would be unwise to offer help via this written medium in case it makes things worse.

I feel you either need to take the PC to your local IT expert, or get someone onsite to help you (neighbour, friend, family).


To cross off the dumb things first; if you simply deleted some folders, have you checked the Recycle Bin?

In case you accidentally 'moved' folders while double clicking the mouse (been there, done that) check folders either side of your Docs, Pictures, Music etc.  Or basically, check the contents of all other folders under your account profile.

But moving, for example, your Documents would make Windows adjust all its internal links and clicking Documents from the Start Menu would still take you to the new (accidental) location.


You might also want to try doing a Search for a filename you know has gone and see if the system can find it.

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Thank you for your kind reply. I ended up reformatting my whole drive. Yes, I clearly didn't know what I was doing with Recuva, my mistake. I'm not totally a moron, but I didn't quite think this through with what I was doing. I was trying to recover some old files from years ago. And it told me to choose a drive. Somehow it overwrote my whole folder. Yes, I had checked for those and all of those files were gone. O well. Live and learn. Thank you anyway.

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OK, cool.

it's refreshing to see someone who has just lost his files to calmly accept his fate and move on.

no good crying over spilt milk...


good to hear you are up and running again (although leaner on the file front).

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