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WD My Book problems...obviously.

Mick Wolfe

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Hello everyone. First time poster here. I haven't seen this question asked in the forums, cannot seem to find a decent answer elsewhere so here it is: I have a WD 2T My Book. I password protected it and forgot the password. I don't want to delete the data. So I want to know if I can look into the drive with Recuva, bypassing the password, pull out the data, and then throw the hunk of junk in the garbage while yelling at myself for not writing down the password. Would someone possibly know the answer to this question?

Thanks so much in advance :)

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If the password is only on the My Book firmware side of the equation, your theory may work.

Pull out the drives and put them in something else.

But you'll then run into the next potential hurdle, what format were those drives? And what storage method did Western Digital have it set to?


Those NAS boxes usually have the drive set to some sort of RAID, and some even go the extra yard and use their own exclusive file system formatting.

If either of those are true, then simply putting those drives into other hardware box will not work.


That is after-all the first thing a 'thief' would try to get access to your password protected data.

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