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Recuva keeps going to 'Not Responding'


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Hi all, hopefully I can get some help, I am not as technical as a lot of you so please bear with me.

I bought the pro version of Recuva to help recover photos/videos that were on my computer that was recently formatted.  I ran the program looking for pictures, I searched on all drives and used the deep search.  After about 3 or 4 days recuva found ALOT of files, too many.  I was in list view and I selected them all because when I tried to uncheck files that I didn't care about recuva would go into 'not responding', I am guessing because I have too many files that were found.  I am assuming that it found EVERY picture of every website I went on, all I want are my personal pictures.  I cant select or not select any of the files because when I do it just keeps not responding. 


I tried to just recover everything thinking that I could just delete what I don't want at a later date.  I bought a new 2 TB drive to back up everything to but when I do that it says that the file name is too long for the folder, or something.  It wont work.  I am really frustrated, any help would be great.  Thank you.


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one of the few benefits with having the Pro version is it entitles you to direct, priority support from Piriform, rather than the slower, waiting on a member, support from this forum.

hop on the Piriform web site and raise a support ticket for your issue.


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THank you so much mta, I really appreciate it, I did not see this I had been looking for a contact number or email address.  I really appreciate it, hopefully they can help.  Apparently the folder that I picked this time to back up is giving me problems, the error says 'these file names are too long to be recovered to the selected destination (311 total).'  The problem is I cant delete these long file names because when I try and uncheck files to recover it goes to sleep (not responding).

Thanks for the advice again, have a great day!

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no worries, glad to help out.

I'm sure you would have found it yourself eventually.

you were probably only giving it a boy-look instead of the necessary girl-look. ;)


and welcome to the forums.

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You are probably right :P


The problem now is that the support person isnt able to address my issue, he said to use the advanced options and deep scan (which I did) and look for just the file I want (which I did) and this isnt helping with the fact that it times out and goes into not responding when I try to un select files I dont want, and the errors that say it has a long name, or not enough space.  I should have plenty of space on the brand new 2TB external drive I just bought, I dont know how to fix the long file name because I cant delete that file.


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Damn, if the support person can't help then we are on a sticky wicket.

And Recuva is certainly not in my skill set.


But addressing the deletion of that file, some thoughts are; does the file actually have a long name itself, or does it live under a folder, which lives under a folder and so on.

Windows has a 259 character file name length limit (which includes the complete folder path).

Most times adding \\?\ or \\?\UNC\ in front of the file name gets around this hurdle when referencing long file names in manually controlled situations; like batch files, command scripts etc.


Can you move that file to a location with a shorter folder path and then try to delete it?

Or even get yourself a program called Unlocker which I've had great success with in blowing away 'stubborn' files and folders.  Get it here; http://www.emptyloop.com/unlocker/#download

Hasn't been updated for ages but still works fine, even on Win10.

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the normal Windows keyboard shortcut for selecting files, which most (but not all) programs follow is Ctrl+A to select all files.


or then there is: while holding down Ctrl, you left mouse click each required file to form your group.

or you can click the first file to start your group and then hold down Shift and click the last file to mark the last file in the group and all files in between are selected.

(probably could explain that better) :mellow:

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