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Will Defrag Freespace EVER work properly?


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Back in 2009 I encountered problems with Defraggler's Defrag Freespace process

(see http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=21558).
Six and a half years later and after some thirty program updates (now v2.19.982) little has changed other than the number of forum complaints about this (with no answers as far as I can tell).
My original secondary question remains: why is it necessary to defragment files and free space SEPARATELY, rather than as a single operation?
But the main issue is that I STILL cannot defragment the free space on a drive!
The included screenshot shows just one example. The top half shows a drive before Freespace Defrag, with no file fragmentation. The bottom half is the result of running Freespace Defrag. (Note that the "Analysis results" are carried over from the previous Analyze run, and have not been updated by the last operation.)
This particular example shows a second problem: performing Freespace Defrag not only didn't defragment the free space, it introduced new file fragmentation! While this has NOT been my experience with all drives, the fragmented free space after a Freespace Defrag IS my usual result with all drives. (And on this particular drive, new file fragmentation ALWAYS occurs when performing a Freespace Defrag when there is zero file fragmentation.)
I would add that the drive used in this example is NOT a system drive, has no page file, is not subject to shadow copying, and has not been accessed by any other program while running Defraggler.
I also have to agree with one of the other posts on this subject in that one would think that defragging free space should be the simplest form of defrag operation. Are over 30 program updates and six-and-a-half years not long enough to wait for Piriform to fix this frustration?



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Thank you, Rodster. However the command that you have given is for Windows' defrag program, not for Defraggler.
(See http://www.piriform.com/docs/defraggler/advanced-usage/command-line-parameters)
Are you suggesting to use the Windows utility instead of Defraggler?
By the way, I've since stumbled across the following statement on Piriform's website under the heading "How Defraggler defragments freespace". I think it validates my complaint:
"Defraggler moves files or large file fragments in order to create a single continuous block of free clusters."

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Yep. Defrag freespace doesn't work properly yet. On some partitions it performs well; on others, it creates a lot of fragmentation (even if told to don't do it).

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Thank you, Rodster. However the command that you have given is for Windows' defrag program, not for Defraggler.

(See http://www.piriform.com/docs/defraggler/advanced-usage/command-line-parameters)


Are you suggesting to use the Windows utility instead of Defraggler?

That's my preferred choice of defragging an HDD. It does a nice job of defragging the HDD and free space. I only fall back on Defraggler if the windows command cannot bring down my free space to an acceptable level.



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@Rodster please keep all your answers limited to Piriform software, as this is an official piriform user forum. I've removed you paragraph suggesting other developer's software.




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Moderators are quick to jump in if other software is mentioned, but in over 6 years no-one at Piriform is prepared to address this issue?
I hope that my criticism doesn't get this post edited by a moderator, but the program does NOT work as advertised, and IMHO Piriform's silence after all this time is shameful. Does Piriform not realize that sticking its head in the sand not only affects this program's reputation but can also prevent people from wanting to use/try other Piriform programs?
To repeat from a previous post, technically free space defragmentation should be the easiest form of defrag. Color me nostalgic but I miss the days nearly 20 years ago when I could perfectly defrag any drive, files and free space, and in a single pass. (I would give some program examples, but then someone might remove them if I mention other developer's software.)
And before someone suggests, as has happened in other threads, that instead of complaining I should just switch to alternative software, I would mention that (1) my efforts past and present have been in the hope that Piriform might fix a program that I really want to like, and (2) I haven't yet found an equivalent or better current alternative that also offers a "portable" version - a feature that I need. (Of course if any reader happens to know of one, they're not going to be allowed to mention it here.)
Thank you eL_PuSHeR for agreeing with the reported problem. Though after so many years, your use of the word "yet" does not give me any confidence. However your revelation that Defraggler actually creates fragmentation, as happened in the example I included with the lead post here, makes things worse. A defragmentation program that not only cannot defragment free space, but also creates fragmentation where none existed? In my view that verges on being scandalous.
And thank you Rodster for your contributions, even though censored. I would add however that you seem to be luckier with Windows' native Defrag than I have been. I haven't been able to get it to work any better than Defraggler, other than not causing new fragmentation. Which I suppose does make it better in that respect. But isn't the whole purpose of third-party alternatives to provide something better than Windows? Sorry, Piriform, but a nicer interface isn't enough if the technology behind that interface is no good.

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Thank you. Don't get me wrong. I love Defraggler as many people here but I think that it should be recoded from ground up. Also, I have always wondered why CC gets so many updates and Defraggler gets so few.


Another issue is that I get no feeling of novelty using Defraggler. You may not notice any great difference by running a one or two year old version. It's true, you cannot reinvent the wheel, but I think a little more polish is always welcome.

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