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CCleaner vs MSN webpage in MS Edge.


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As a Windows Insider, I have been running CCleaner on Windows 10 since the first TP.  **Carefully** you understand because I am well aware there will occasionaly be compatability issues. I'm currently running Windows 10 Pro Preview build 10525.


Since 5.08 I have UNchecked all the MS Edge options because (amongst other things) I was getting a weird reaction when loading the MSN page msn.com/en-gb in Edge after running CCleaner. The problem exists with no other browser, as far as I can tell -- not even IE11.  This morning I have tried running 5.09 with some of the Edge options checked: specifically Internet Cache, Internet History, Cookies, Download History, Session and Recently typed URLs.


What happens (with both versions 5.08 and 5.09) is photos that were displayed properly before running CCleaner show up as grey blanks although a few photos marked "Top Stories", at the head of the page, show up well enough; the drop down menus for the links at the top of the page no longer work, the links themselves are fine;  I am no longer automatically signed in when the page is first brought up but I can click on "sign in" and get signed in automatically; the page itself seems cut short, so only the top end of the page is displayed at all;  all text appears without error and properly formated; all page links seem to work. Refresh doesn't change anything and I have no idea how to get the page to display properly again, although I expect it will eventually display properly based on earlier testing I did with v5.08.


It is only the MSN page that is affected and only in Edge.  Other pages such as Bing and Facebook dispay as expected in Edge after I run CCleaner.  I'm guessing that MSN is using some special feature of Edge that CCleaner is walking over.  It is of no real importance to me, I access Microsoft pages in Edge only to test Edge. Still, I thought you guys might want to know of the issue and if you have any feedback I would be interested.


Windows 10 preview 64 bit

Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40Ghz, 16GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 4000

CCleaner v5.09.5343 (64-bit)

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