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Filehippo new layout/look


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Hi all.


I usually open www.filehippo.com once a day to check for software updates.


Today I see its layout has been changed. What's your opinion about it?.


I think it's uglier than before and less useful.

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Monochrome icons? 

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Who was responsible for those "download this" traps? :huh:

There were people who downloaded other things from the advertising on the pages of the 'old' web page in error.


Perhaps Piriform decided to adopt a simpler look to the web page to avoid this.


Don't know for sure, just guessing.


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I'll still get my stuff from there. I just think it's weird that they'd make such a drastic redesign. (Yes, I know it looks more Windows 8. Probably easier to navigate on a phone.)

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I don't like the look of it but not that it's going to be an issue since I haven't downloaded much off of there in the past two years. I always prefer to download updates of software from the official website(s).

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I'll join the minority and say I like it.

clean, good search function, still has a list of previous versions - which for me was one of the things that stood it out from the others.


(as long as it doesn't start wrapping things around your download)

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Well, its better, maybe, but I liked the old hippo picture better, it had more character.   :P  

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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They say a change is as good as a holiday............looks alright to me and it's still useable ;)

Always With Kind Regards


"one is never too old to listen & learn"

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn t use the site for a couple years now, so i really don t remenber exactly how it looked before, but i went to look now, and i think that is clean, well organized and easily useable.

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Definitely more functional now - far less scroll on the home screen is a good thing plus no more difficult to find stuff, just means a little extra clicking for some things

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I have found a small "issue". When clicking on any software that comes with both x86 and x64 versions there is no quick link to download the other opposite one as before. Not a big deal, but annoying nonetheless.


For instance, clicking on Itunes x86 version you got a "64 bits version" below with the old layout. Now you have to look for it yourself.

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Ok. I got it. How do you reach that link without specifyng x86/x64? When using search or clicking quick updates I get either x86 or x64 versions  links (but not version choose)


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I just put in filehippo itunes into google :)


I get to the same place if I click on MultiMedia section and go to itunes.


The link for iTunes in the left hand panel of Multimedia section (under popular downloads) says it is for 32bit only as that must be the most popular version.


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