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CCLEANER - Registry Cleaner


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I run the Registry Cleaner weekly. While my user side has virtually no issues, my wife's user side has numerous ActiveX/COM Issues every week. A sampling of these issues is in the Notepad attachment. Can anyone tell me how to permanently resolve these ActiveX/COM Issues?

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your attachment doesn't show

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most of them seem to be related to a video codec on her PC.

basically, she watches a video, on the PC, through a web browser etc, and is getting these each time.


sounds like you have been removing them in the past - with no ill side-effects, so you could continue to do that.

but if they are simply going to keep reappearing, why not right click each one and EXCLUDE it from future scans.


and from a completely personal point, I think 1) cleaning the registry should be done with great care, even though CC is very non-aggresive, things sometimes go pear-shaped. and 2) maybe weekly is a tad to anal, weighing up the potential risk(slight) against the potential benefit(low)

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