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Looks like the namespace for a Windows Management Instrumentation call isn?t found (or corrupt).


Accidentally modified/deleted HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Wbem\Scripting? (The default namespace is usually ?root\cimv2?.)


Was something about ?SWbemLocator? mentioned in the error message you got?


(Apparently Speccy tried to read out some information from the system using WMI, Microsoft?s implementation of the WBEM/CMI standard, which failed. WMI is used to as a more compatible means for (hardware) drivers to supply the OS (and applications like Speccy) with information about the hardware, and notifications.)

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Good question, no good answer. Because one cannot know what might have messed it up. Maybe the devs can help.


In the meantime, if you are a little computer-savvy, you might want to try checking the




key in your registry, using a tool like RegEdit. It usually (on WinXP) contains something like:

(Standard) REG_SZ (no value)

Default Impersonation Level REG_DWORD 0x00000003 (3)

Default Namespace REG_SZ root\cimv2


These are the name, type, and value of the registry entries given. If your registry contains something else, let us know. If the key is completely empty and you feel sure about what you?re doing plus have made a backup, you might try adding the above three (or just correct a potentially wrong Default Namespace value), reboot your system and check if the error goes away.


If above registry contents are as shown, there might be a problem with Speccy trying to access some piece of information that ?isn?t there?, for some reason. This can happen when installing/overwriting/updating/deinstalling drivers, for instance. Or using registry cleaning software ?just a bit too much? (i.e., having it ?clean? things you?re not 1000% sure about).


In that case, try waiting for answer from the Speccy devs here: There might be some means to have Speccy output better diagnostic information (i.e., a log file).


Again, if you don?t want to wait, you might try rebuilding the WMI database only if the above registry stuff is as mentioned. Doing this, I?d suggest the ?Method B? mentioned.

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i have in the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Wbem\Scripting:


(Standard) REG_SZ (no value)

Default Impersonation Level REG_DWORD 0x00000003 (3)

Default Namespace REG_SZ root\cimv2


i think i must wait for the Speccy devs.


thank you.

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