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Some Translation Errors

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I am using your program "ccleaner" for some time. But I see that in translation to my language "Turkish" there are some problems. Those are;

Online Help has been translated as "Hat?st? Yardım" but it must be "Online Yardım"

"Run Ccleacner when the computer starts" has been translated as "Belgisayar a?ıldığında Ccleaner'i başlat" but not "Belgisayar" but "Bilgisayar"

In "about" section, "yeni ?zellikler eklenmesi isteyibilirsiniz." should be "yeni ?zellikler eklenmesini isteyebilirsiniz."

"Geri Y?klemeyi ?alıştır" should be "Programı Kaldır"

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