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Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) - Final


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Agreed that Macs do have some things like Garageband, etc. that Windows don't but that's about it. :|


One of the Macs advantage is that since they're not in a monopoly, they can include whatever they want in their OS. Same goes for Ubuntu.

Microsoft can't even include a media player without being sued <_<

Piriform French translator

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Ha Ha. My Macs are much faster than my Windows machines. Especially browsing. I use Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, and Camino on my Macs and they are all much faster than they are on Windows with the exception of Camino which doesn't have a Windows version.





Isnt the OS X based on UNIX-system ??? so surely that would kill it's user friendliness?


The only reason why macs are considered to be far superior to pc is because apple hyped them self up to the hilt. This was never the case. A quote that is so true "Buying a PC is buying freedom of choice!"


Cant say that about a mac.

No fate but what we make

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Isnt the OS X based on UNIX-system ??? so surely that would kill it's user friendliness?


The only reason why macs are considered to be far superior to pc is because apple hyped them self up to the hilt. This was never the case. A quote that is so true "Buying a PC is buying freedom of choice!"


Cant say that about a mac.


Mac OS 10 is a front end for Unix. You don't need to ever mess with the Unix core when using a Mac. You can mess around with the Terminal which is the Mac equivalent to the Windows Run command but it's not any more complex than the Windows run command.


I can Assure you I'm not some one that buys into hype. In fact if something is hyped I am very sceptical of it as I was with Mac. I put the hype and fan boy BS aside and determine for myself. I did that with Mac and made my own mind up. Understand here I'm not a Mac fanboy or Window hater. I use and always will use both. If Windows came out tomorrow with a superior OS I would be the first to say so. I couldn't care less about being on one side or the other. My opinions are not politically motivated as many obviously are here. I simply call it like I see it and right now Mac is far superior to Windows. I hope that changes soon because Macs are over priced and I hate Mac fanboys. They talk about Steve Jobs like he is a god and I personally can't stand the ass.

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Agreed that Macs do have some things like Garageband, etc. that Windows don't but that's about it. :|


I don't use that or many of the other iLife programs. Simply of no use to me.

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In Firefox on Windows, I can simply make the menu bar disappear - because I use Personal Menu which allows me to have the commands I actually use into one button. That saves some vertical space.

On a Mac...I can't do that. The menu bar is still there, even though I don't use it.

Same goes for Office - if you look at the early screens of Office 2011, the Ribbon makes the menu bar useless...but since there's no way to hide it, some vertical space is used for nothing (well, for the Menu bar, but it's useless since there already is the Ribbon which is much better IMHO).



Just use the full screen mode and all the tool bars disappear and reappear when you move the mouse to the top of the screen.


As I said I'm sure you will find things you don't like about Mac but what system won't you find things you don't like about it? An OS can't be all things to everybody.

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I'm glad you are not a mac fan boy. I think that's where a lot of my hate for them comes from. 3 years ago i had about an hour talk while waiting for the bus to a mac fan boy and god, I felt like killing him/myself, he would of argued white is black.

No fate but what we make

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I can't understand why people keep trying to learn more and more about XP when it's clearly obsolete. Put some of that effort into learning a new OS.

With the price on so many things like damn near everything, there's allot of people and myself included that have no choice but to be very frugal. Sure I'd love to have a newer Windows 7 OS which would require a brand new computer to run it, however financially that just won't be happening anytime soon so the old "obsolete" XP will just have to do possible until the computer just goes kaput.

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With the price on so many things like damn near everything, there's allot of people and myself included that have no choice but to be very frugal. Sure I'd love to have a newer Windows 7 OS which would require a brand new computer to run it, however financially that just won't be happening anytime soon so the old "obsolete" XP will just have to do possible until the computer just goes kaput.


Unless you are using a really old (i.e. > 10 years old) computer, 7 will run fine on it. http://g.imagehost.org/view/0334/06072009424 :D

Piriform French translator

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With the price on so many things like damn near everything, there's allot of people and myself included that have no choice but to be very frugal. Sure I'd love to have a newer Windows 7 OS which would require a brand new computer to run it, however financially that just won't be happening anytime soon so the old "obsolete" XP will just have to do possible until the computer just goes kaput.


I get that but Linux is free.

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I get that but Linux is free.


Yes, but some people prefer to use an old OS than to completely change their habits - especially given the quality of FOSS apps vs. paid ones, like OOo and MSO.

Piriform French translator

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Yes, but some people prefer to use an old OS than to completely change their habits - especially given the quality of FOSS apps vs. paid ones, like OOo and MSO.

No one said stop using the old OS. Why does it have to be one or the other? Just expand your computer knowledge and learn another OS. I would think a person would be bored stupid using the same OS year after year. Maybe it's just me but I would feel very limited if I was only knowledgeable on one OS. Besides it's fun to me learn the different OS.

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I get that but Linux is free.

Too true, however I'm a Windows user. I've tried Ubuntu and other Linux compiles before and while they work I'd be without much of the software I use all the time and completely refuse to be without.

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Having an XP is better than resorting to things like Illegal Torrentz. :|

Simplicity is hard.

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Having an XP is better than resorting to things like Illegal Torrentz. :|


How could one billion people be so wrong


I'm content with xp, and crunch bang, You couldnt pay me to own a mac.


w7 runs happily on my friends 512 ram (rec 1gb)

No fate but what we make

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How could one billion people be so wrong


I'm content with xp, and crunch bang, You couldnt pay me to own a mac.




What ever. That sounds like you have some kind of personal or political thing against Mac and that has nothing to do with weather it's a good OS or not.


As for how could a billion people be wrong? Just check out the pathetic track record of human history and you will see just how wrong billions of people can be about everything.


As for paying you to own a Mac if you were given one you would take and use it and you know it.

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You are aware that comment was not aimed at you?

No fate but what we make

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With the price on so many things like damn near everything, there's allot of people and myself included that have no choice but to be very frugal. Sure I'd love to have a newer Windows 7 OS which would require a brand new computer to run it, however financially that just won't be happening anytime soon so the old "obsolete" XP will just have to do possible until the computer just goes kaput.


Agree, and there is another issue, need. Don't feel like I need a newer OS until something comes along which WXP won't do. May be too utilitarian, huh?

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Agree, and there is another issue, need. Don't feel like I need a newer OS until something comes along which WXP won't do. May be too utilitarian, huh?


Since lots of software (IE, Windows Live Essentials, Paint.NET, ...) are stopping XP support (i.e. no future versions will work in XP), there will be a lot of things, in some time.

Also, XP can't do a LOT of things, but many of them are programmer-oriented, or only apply on recent computers (e.g. XP can't properly use gigabytes of RAM, nor SSDs, nor multi-core CPUs).

Piriform French translator

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I hear nothing but lame ass excuses for staying with XP. The bottom line is some people just reach a point where their knowledge tops out and they stagnate from that point on and are content to do so. Some of the reasons for not learning a new OS are just laughable. There are three major platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux.) Restricting yourself to one of them and an out dated version of it no less is just nonsensical. These people will get passed by and before they know it they will be computer illiterate because what they know will be obsolete. They don't care right now because they are among like minded people using the same relic of an OS but that will change.

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I hear nothing but lame ass excuses for staying with XP. The bottom line is some people just reach a point where their knowledge tops out and they stagnate from that point on and are content to do so. Some of the reasons for not learning a new OS are just laughable. There are three major platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux.) Restricting yourself to one of them and an out dated version of it no less is just nonsensical. These people will get passed by and before they know it they will be computer illiterate because what they know will be obsolete. They don't care right now because they are among like minded people using the same relic of an OS but that will change.

Sorry, but what is wrong with you? Its their wish and they'd do as they wish. I know many Windows-ONLY users who are genius'! It doesn't take much to learn a new OS. A true 'veteran' when left with an OS for a few hours/days can learn the functionality pretty fast, if you ask me.


On the other hand, I do think people should upgrade to Win-7 soon. Many companies are shutting their support for XP really soon. It is getting obsolete by the day, as technology advances. But there are always justified reasons... :)

Simplicity is hard.

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It doesn't take much to learn a new OS. A true 'veteran' when left with an OS for a few hours/days can learn the functionality pretty fast, if you ask me.




All the more ridiculous for staying with XP.


Of course it's their right to do what they want. No one questions their right. You can question why they would want to do it though and I haven't heard a single legit reason yet. Just excuses by people in denial.

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What ever. That sounds like you have some kind of personal or political thing against Mac and that has nothing to do with weather it's a good OS or not.


As for how could a billion people be wrong? Just check out the pathetic track record of human history and you will see just how wrong billions of people can be about everything.


As for paying you to own a Mac if you were given one you would take and use it and you know it.

After reading everyone's comments on this post,I not only agree with you Anomaly but wish to add the following with reference to "working with" and "in the real world".


In a previous life (4 years ago) working as a Pre Press Colour Specialist (for 10 years) my job was not only to solve "on site" issues with Mac & PC user sites, meant I had to understand both OS platforms and their Pre Press software apps. I was also involved in running showroom demonstrations, assisting in the sale, network installation/ connectivity and user training of my manufactures input / output network devices. The upshot was I had to learn, understand and use both Mac's (Pre OSX & OSX all Versions) and PC's (98, to XP workstations + MS & Novel Servers) and all software associated with the print / publishing industry.


Mac was easier to learn, demonstrate my manufacturer's product, complete user training, easier to locate and fix user / colour / software application issues. There were many user organizations that managed to understand and get the best of both worlds. i.e. Run Mac OSX and XP on the same Computer at the same time (concurrently) and simply "switch" at will. Sure that Mac plenty of RAM and several hard drives but what a solution. No job was difficult to accept and output, irrespective of software or OS, given that in the commercial world 98% of the Pre Press industry use either Mac or PC.


Observation of users after 10 years. The majority of Mac users will attempt to learn the Windows environment and continue to use both, HOWEVER PC user simply refuse to consider trying the Mac OS, those that do (minority) usually change their opinion of Mac once learned. We are not talking "conversion" but attempting to get those users to become users of both and raise their importance within the industry. Same can be said for learning other operating systems albeit not a lot of Linux based users in the commercial world yet other that Server based, which in the last 12 months of my job I needed to learn and use (which I did)


Sorry for the long response folks. ;)

Always With Kind Regards


"one is never too old to listen & learn"

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I hear nothing but lame ass excuses for staying with XP.


When it comes down to having the money to keep up to date with current technology hardware+OS it's often too much for people just getting by.

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When it comes down to having the money to keep up to date with current technology hardware+OS it's often too much for people just getting by.


Than why not learn a one of the many Linux distro available for free. They can increase their computer skill level while waiting for their financial picture to brighten. They have nothing to loose and everything to gain. I find it hard to believe that all the hangers on still using XP are financially strapped. No doubt there are some but for many it's just complacency.


I think one of the problems is the very large gap between releases from XP to Windows 7. Yes Vista was in there but it was not worth the effort and even the gap between XP and Vista was large. This is unusual for an OS. Ubuntu is on a 6 month cycle and Mac is good for one every couple years. XP is going on a decade old and that is nuts in the computer world. Mac does not support 10 year old systems and neither does anybody else. Those OS are but out to pasture and they move on to better things as they should be. Now Microsoft has finally released something worth upgrading to and people are stuck in a rut. They have had more time to spend with the same OS than they should have and have become too set. If you look at the differences in Linux and Mac OS from 10 years ago until today the changes have been dramatic. During all the change and improvement MS has been spinning it's wheels and going no where and so has it's users.

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As I have stated earlier, I have both.


I like my Windows more because

  • (at least for me) it RARELY crashes.
  • Plethora of softwares.
  • Easier to modify and play with
  • I'm a hardcore gamer, and Blu-Ray Disc user.
  • Flash?
  • I hate the Mighty/Magic mouse!

Simplicity is hard.

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