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Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) - Final


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What is Ubuntu?


Ubuntu is an operating system built by a worldwide team of expert developers. It contains all the applications you need: a web browser, office suite, media apps, instant messaging and much more.

Ubuntu is an open-source alternative to Windows and Office.


Ubuntu Homepage


Simplicity is hard.

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What is Ubuntu?


Ubuntu is an operating system built by a worldwide team of expert developers. It contains all the applications you need: a web browser, office suite, media apps, instant messaging and much more.

Ubuntu is an open-source alternative to Windows and Office.


Ubuntu Homepage


Nice but I find too many people on this forum are stuck in XP land. This thread won't mean much to many here but I am very interested.


I can't understand why people keep trying to learn more and more about XP when it's clearly obsolete. Put some of that effort into learning a new OS.

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I'm probably going to switch to Ubuntu. I just need to find some time to do it.

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ha a question.i have an old dell dimension 768 ram with xp sp3

i just need to create a new partition and install this ubuntu OS?

what about dell drivers?.

how can i dual boot xp an ubuntu ??..i read that this OS don't need AV or other security app.


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Ubuntu Desktop (GUI) Installation


System Requirements

* 1 GHz x86 processor

* 512 MiB of system memory (RAM)

* 5 GB of disk space

* Graphics card and monitor capable of 1024x768

* CD-ROM drive

* Sound support

* Internet access

Simplicity is hard.

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ha a question.i have an old dell dimension 768 ram with xp sp3

i just need to create a new partition and install this ubuntu OS?

what about dell drivers?.

how can i dual boot xp an ubuntu ??..i read that this OS don't need AV or other security app.



This answers your Dual-Boot query.




This answers youe Dell-Driver query




This answers your Antivirus query.


Simplicity is hard.

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The other thing is, you can wait for ~20 days and check out Fedora 13 as well :)

Simplicity is hard.

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I'm probably going to switch to Ubuntu. I just need to find some time to do it.


Why "switch'? Use both. Than when your comfortable learn another and another. No need to be a one operating system person. I use three and will keep learning more. Good thing about Linux is the huge number of distros to choose from and there free so money is no excuse to stay is XP land.


Linux Mint is probably the best bet for someone just learning Linux. Use the live CD or make a bootable thumb drive and run Linux from that to try it out and see how it runs on your machine without changing anything on your machine. Try doing that with a Windows OS.

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Linux Mint is probably the best bet for someone just learning Linux. Use the live CD or make a bootable thumb drive and run Linux from that to try it out and see how it runs on your machine without changing anything on your machine. Try doing that with a Windows OS.


Crunch Bang is a good learning step for some one wanting to switch. Its Ubuntu based.

No fate but what we make

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Main problem for me : OpenOffice just can't compare with Microsoft Office. Except in the price category. And I can't program in .NET using Linux (well, there's Mono, but...it lacks a lot of things).

Also, one thing about Ubuntu and other Linux distros that I don't like is that the trick users into believing Linux is secure, when in fact it is much less secure than Windows - there simply is that awesome thing called "1% market share" which protect them against most viruses, and allow them to include lots of software in the distros, which is a good thing MS can't even dream to do.


However, for the average user, Ubuntu can be a good choice, depending on what they use. As always, the main problem with a lot of people is that they are afraid of change.


PS : If someone want to argue about Linux security, check page 44 of that PDF first, and notice how the Linux Kernel alone has more than twice vulnerabilities as Vista - and that's only the kernel, if you add all the software, it's even worse.

Piriform French translator

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Widows 7 squashed any interest I had in linux. Its just no comparison in functionality and polish.

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Widows 7 squashed any interest I had in linux. Its just no comparison in functionality and polish.


Still why not learn and keep up on another platform? If for no other reason than being interested in computers.


I agree Windows 7 is nice. Much better than XP and Vista. It's still not nearly as polished as Mac OS X though.

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Still why not learn and keep up on another platform? If for no other reason than being interested in computers.


I agree Windows 7 is nice. Much better than XP and Vista. It's still not nearly as polished as Mac OS X though.


Why do you think OS X is more polished ?

Last time I checked, it was still impossible to navigate using the keyboard on a simple Yes/No/Cancel dialog. Not really what I'd call "polished"

Piriform French translator

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Widows 7 squashed any interest I had in linux. Its just no comparison in functionality and polish.


Iv still not tried W7 or even vista, I will move on to w7 soon though. As for linux, i just use it for the love of it. Loved it from an early age. If it made a miss take it was because i made a miss take.


It's still not nearly as polished as Mac OS X though.


Urgh Macs, ridiculous cases and at stupidly expensive prices. If you want to look at speed test "mac vs pc" mac gets slaughtered. And who in there right mind would invent a one button mouse.



Aethec: When they say polised, thats all macs are good for. Looking pretty on display in a shop with that horrible dock.

No fate but what we make

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I hate Macs even though I (my parents) own 2 iMacs. I love my Windows. :)

Simplicity is hard.

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Why do you think OS X is more polished ?

Las time I checked, it was still impossible to navigate using the keyboard on a simple Yes/No/Cancel dialog. Not really what I'd call "polished"


When was that last time you checked? Your going to judge how polished an OS is based on that?


I don't have enough space to list the different reasons Mac OS X is more polished. They are too numerous. The major reason is that it is intuitive. I used XP for years like many here so I have solid Windows background. I learned Mac OS X from scratch faster and easier than it took me to go from XP to Windows 7. How the hell do you learn a whole new platform faster than it takes learn an upgrade like XP to Windows 7? Simple, the Mac OS is far more user friendly. If I took a person with zero computer knowledge and had to teach him to use a computer I could teach that person a Mac far faster than a Windows machine simply because it makes sense and is layed out brilliantly.


One of the big things that Mac has over Windows is the portability of the OS. On Windows you make clones using Macrium Reflect or similar program so you have a complete backup in case the hard drive fails and you can just put the image back on a new hard drive and your back where you started. Macs blow Windows away at this. Using a cloning program like Carbon Copy Cloner or Super Duper not only can you clone the hard drive but that clone is bootable. This means I can take the portable HD the clone is on a boot from it directly on any other Mac. The whole OS is portable. I can literally carry my set up with me and use it on any other Mac simply by booting off of the portable HD or thumbdrive what ever one I have it on. Try doing that with Windows. You can with Linux using a live CD but not Windows. Windows ties your ass to the machine your using. Try taking your Macrium image of your machine and restoring it to another machine. Won't work. I do it with Mac all the time. I could go on and on but there simply is no comparison. I'm sure you will find some things Windows does better but over all it's no contest Mac is much more polished.

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Urgh Macs, ridiculous cases and at stupidly expensive prices. If you want to look at speed test "mac vs pc" mac gets slaughtered. And who in there right mind would invent a one button mouse.



Aethec: When they say polised, thats all macs are good for. Looking pretty on display in a shop with that horrible dock.



Ha Ha. My Macs are much faster than my Windows machines. Especially browsing. I use Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, and Camino on my Macs and they are all much faster than they are on Windows with the exception of Camino which doesn't have a Windows version.


Yes they are expensive no argument there and the one button mouse is not one button so goes to show how mis informed you are. It in fact has a right click and left click in the options and side buttons as well. I don't use it any way I use my Logitech mouse no problem.

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Well, for me, an OS in which I can't even hit "y" to answer "Yes" in a prompt is not polished at all.

I don't find OS X intuitive - I really hate the menu bar on top (especially since apps like Office, Chrome, Firefox, etc. are replacing it, so it's just wasted space), and I find the Dock really annoying - you must look carefully to know which programs are open and which programs aren't, and you can't directly see the window titles. That's also why I dislike Win7's SuperBar.

And, seriously, Apple needs to learn what "security" means.

Piriform French translator

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I hate Macs even though I (my parents) own 2 iMacs. I love my Windows. :)


I use both and like both. I don't get into the either or BS.

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Well, for me, an OS in which I can't even hit "y" to answer "Yes" in a prompt is not polished at all.

I don't find OS X intuitive - I really hate the menu bar on top (especially since apps like Office, Chrome, Firefox, etc. are replacing it, so it's just wasted space), and I find the Dock really annoying - you must look carefully to know which programs are open and which programs aren't, and you can't directly see the window titles. That's also why I dislike Win7's SuperBar.

And, seriously, Apple needs to learn what "security" means.

You obviously don't know what your talking about. The menu bar takes up no more space than on Windows. The difference is that all programs use the main Menu bar in Mac and it's options change for each program. When you launch Firefox it doesn't add another menu bar it uses Macs so there is only one menu bar and the same goes for all other programs. I don't know where you got your info but why are you commenting on a OS you clearly don't know anything about. You simple are not qualified to do so. Learn it and use it than make comments about how polished it is.



Mac needs to learn about security? Windows doesn't?

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You obviously don't know what your talking about. The menu bar takes up no more space than on Windows. The difference is that all programs use the main Menu bar in Mac and it's options change for each program. When you launch Firefox it doesn't add another menu bar it uses Macs so there is only one menu bar and the same goes for all other programs. I don't know where you got your info but why are you commenting on a OS you clearly don't know anything about. You simple are not qualified to do so. Learn it and use it than make comments about how polished it is.


In Firefox on Windows, I can simply make the menu bar disappear - because I use Personal Menu which allows me to have the commands I actually use into one button. That saves some vertical space.

On a Mac...I can't do that. The menu bar is still there, even though I don't use it.

Same goes for Office - if you look at the early screens of Office 2011, the Ribbon makes the menu bar useless...but since there's no way to hide it, some vertical space is used for nothing (well, for the Menu bar, but it's useless since there already is the Ribbon which is much better IMHO).


As for security...well...just read page 44 of that PDF to see that OS X has three times the vulnerabilities Windows has. The last update, 10.6.3, fixed 82 security flaws. That means nearly four times the vulnerabilities Win7 has...and it's only a minor update. Also, you may want to take a look at Charlie Miller's opinion on the matter. He's the guy who won the Pwn2Own contest hacking Safari three times in a row.

Piriform French translator

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Agreed that Macs do have some things like Garageband, etc. that Windows don't but that's about it. :|

Simplicity is hard.

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