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Run at Shutdown


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Could you make it possible for ccleaner to run at shutdown > clean, when user shutdowns pc > as an option in settings


(I do not mean a combined clean and autoshutdown)


Thanks in advance




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Hello and welcome to the forum, before posting a suggestion it's always a good idea to search first.


This has been asked countless times and we need to think about this realistically.


I personally dont know of a programmable way for an application to detect system shut down. Lets look at the issues that ccleaner would face even if it was possible.


1:Would always have to be running as a background worker to be able to detect system shut down.

2:Would have to force the system to stop shutting down (The idea alone could cause a hundred problems)


I don't see the fuss over running ccleaner then ticking "shut down after cleaning" over ccleaner detecting shut down because you have hit the windows "shut down" button.


Over all i would see it as ccleaner vs windows fighting it out to shut down and stay running.

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