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piriform apps on liberkey?


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I happily surprised when i first saw piriform apps on liberkey.com ...

but unfortunately the apps wont be updated to the latest version anymore :(


On liberkey forums they say something about a change in the license

and the need of a permission from piriform in order to be able to update the apps.


Come on piriform do the magic !!


We love piriform and liberkey. Is cool to have them integrated


ps1. I didn't find any contact link thats why i wrote on the forum

ps2. sorry for my poor English

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Here is an extract from the Licence Agreement, I think it's pretty much self-explanatory:


You may NOT resell, charge for, sub-license, rent, lease, loan or distribute the software without our prior written consent. We reserve the right to withdraw any such consent (or part thereof) for any reason and without notice and to demand that you immediately cease any activity in respect of which permission is withdrawn.

For what it's worth programs like Recuva and Defraggler are pretty much as good as they can get so I doubt you'll be missing much.

Liberkey seems to be nothing more than a glorified task starter so you should be able to manually update the program files without any problems.


Richard S.

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Here is an extract from the Licence Agreement, I think it's pretty much self-explanatory:



For what it's worth programs like Recuva and Defraggler are pretty much as good as they can get so I doubt you'll be missing much.

Liberkey seems to be nothing more than a glorified task starter so you should be able to manually update the program files without any problems.


Richard S.



yes but think about if i (and everybody)

have to check for new updates for many software

and manually update everything ...

and check very often in order to be up to date ...


much wasted time!


but with liberkey everything is automatic !

always the latest version automatically with just one confirmation!


so why not give a prior written consent ?

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First of all, Liberkey is MUCH MORE than only a "glorified task starter". (I can only say : try it and you will see ;) )

Piriform softwares (CCleaner, Defraggler and Recuva) were very appreciated and very often downloaded by Liberkey users (they are approx. 80.000 today).

It would be great if Piriform and Liberkey could continue working together.

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It would be great if Piriform and Liberkey could continue working together.


I'd say that was probably the problem.


Whoever runs liberkey should be contacting piriform, not the liberkey users.


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I'd say that was probably the problem.


Whoever runs liberkey should be contacting piriform, not the liberkey users.



As you can see here, they did it but never received an answer from Piriform.

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Try PM'ing the admins MrG and MrRon for a response and mention that post.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Finja the Ninja

I only ever tried Liberkey because they included CCleaner. But they are so much better than any other portable suite, that I'll now easily switch to using any of the multitude of other free apps that do what Piriform's products do before I'll stop using Liberkey. Piriform should wise up and get this taken care of, because they are SO much easier to replace than Liberkey.



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Umm...Liberkey definitely looks like a knock off of PortableApps.com. And CCleaner has no compable substitute. That's a fact.



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Finja the Ninja
Umm...Liberkey definitely looks like a knock off of PortableApps.com. And CCleaner has no compable substitute. That's a fact.




I used PortableApps for a long time. I've used CCleaner for a long time. I've used LiberKey for a long time. So I guess one of us is not talking about how anyting "looks". And that said, I stand by my statement. I love CCleaner. And yet I'll dump it in a heartbeat to stick with LiberKey. LiberKey is THAT good.

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Finja the Ninja
Why don't you just go here and install this portable version. It doesn't have to use some other companies front end.






Why didn't I think of that? I'm gonna do that for all 168 portable apps in the LiberKey ultimate build. Who needs a front end when I can just navigate 168 directories on my flash drive?

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Why didn't I think of that? I'm gonna do that for all 168 portable apps in the LiberKey ultimate build. Who needs a front end when I can just navigate 168 directories on my flash drive?


Hey- I'm trying to help you - don't have to be so sarcastic. What's the big deal about just installing it to your PC any ways? It takes up so little room. But it's one program in addition to the front end. I don't get why it's such a big deal - why do you have to run stuff from an external drive - hard drives are huge these days. If you have LiberKey with your 167 apps, and CCleaner on it's own, oh look, a few more clicks and you still have a great program to run.



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Finja the Ninja
Hey- I'm trying to help you - don't have to be so sarcastic. What's the big deal about just installing it to your PC any ways? It takes up so little room. But it's one program in addition to the front end. I don't get why it's such a big deal - why do you have to run stuff from an external drive - hard drives are huge these days. If you have LiberKey with your 167 apps, and CCleaner on it's own, oh look, a few more clicks and you still have a great program to run.




Many of us HAVE VALID REASONS to use portable apps. You questioning why I want to run it in a portable fashion doesn't address at all the problem at hand here. My reasons are my reasons. I don't need you to judge or decide if they're good reasons or not.


So I want to run CCleaner portably. You tell me what LiberKey "looks like" to you without being a user. You advise me to run CCleaner's portable version seperately without even considering that I'm using a portable SUITE because I'm interested in running a multitude of portable programs. So you're NOT helping.


And I really don't think you're actually trying to help, although you might think you are. You're trying to defend Piriform, and tell me how I can find a way to use their software DESPITE the fact that they, as a company, are completely ignoring LiberKey's attempts to include them in the LiberKey portable suite, which IS the problem at hand.


I have valid reasons to use portable apps - LOTS of them. I like CCleaner. CCleaner was previously included in LiberKey, which is HANDS DOWN the most user friendly and easily updatable portable suite out there. Piriform made changes that now mean that LiberKey has to contact them for permission to include their apps, WHICH LIBERKEY HAS TRIED MULTIPLE TIMES. Piriform seems to have ignored these requests, which means I that will no longer be using Piriforms apps, as much as I like them, because they are FAR easier for me to replace than LiberKey. That's all I said, and there's no need for you to try to "help" me around that, especially without understanding my situation. Thanks anyway.


Piriform, as a company, should resolve this problem. I'm not at all interested in how few steps I can implement a work-around if they won't.

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If you are unhappy with Piriform stop using their products.


Making agressive post on this forum is not going to help your cause

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If you really cared about ccleaner as much as you say you do you would just use it separately for now.

We are not asking you to choose between LiberKey and CCleaner, you are making that choice since you do not wish to add a few clicks to running it.


No-one here (posting in the topic) knows why piriform haven't granted liberkeys request, you have voiced your request, we have helped as much as we can,

from here you will just have to leave it up to piriform.


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Need to add my "I need to know" as well.


I use liberkey on a network drive to keep four of my computers' settings synchronized. I also use it to provide tech support. ( "Download this .zip file, open this program, tell me this code, and I'll have all of my tools and be able to remotely assist you" )


Because I don't want to deal with four different systems and keeping them all up to date, I use liberkey on their hard drives with the programs I use. Ccleaner is one of them. I use it to remove bloatware, clean up registries, etc. Backups are easy. I drag and drop the liberkey directory. Reinstallations are trivial. I just hit 'enable file associations'.




I need to know if I need to remove ccleaner from my liberkey and switch programs, or if I can continue using it as I have it. Please respond ASAP.

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Lol, looks like they're sending reinforcements. o.O

Simplicity is hard.

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Actually I found this thread via googling and found that my question had not been answered yet. I'm loving piriform's welcoming committee, but would appreciate an answer with my sarcastic welcoming.

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We the community can't do anything to get ccleaner added back to liberkey,


All you can do is:


1. Contact piriform | note: the may be busy with real life hence the no reply

2. Contact the forum admins, Mr Ron or Mr G | note: they are real people and may be busy with real life as well

3. Make a forum post | which you all have


After we tried to be "welcoming" the OP and the other fanbois (I have not included you in this as its your first post) were not interested in our opinion or current workarounds.


We the community can't do anything to speed up the approval process and can only suggest workarounds and alternate solutions.


The developers (piriform) have likely a very goods reason for changing the T&C's as there have been quite a few rogue ccleaners going around charging users, and people reselling ccleaner on ebay.

They are likely wary of just giving permission to a third party.


I agree tho' it would be nice to get an official work form piriform but all you can do is the above suggestions and wait.


//If you are reading this feel free to make a post in support of liberkey but don't come in demanding stuff and threatening to stop using ccleaner if they don't.//


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  • 1 month later...

I've tossed my hat in, I'm not going to go chasing down devs 'busy with real life' because I am one.



any news on that? :(





see liberkey 5?? rocks!!

ccleaner roooooooooooocks 2


some on come on!! it is a great pair

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Good so see that got sorted out for you guys :)


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