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Bookmarks ON Fire Fox


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Hi squirtmph, and welcome to Piriform.


If you are using a current version of Firefox, it automatically backs up your bookmarks to the following location on a daily basis.


C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\8sgu9e5b.default\bookmarkbackups


The bold number will differ on your PC.


You could simply copy the bookmarks folder to a safe location if you wish, or you could use a small program called "MozBackup", which allows you to back up a number of things in Firefox:





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Hi squirtmph, and welcome to Piriform.



You could simply copy the bookmarks folder to a safe location if you wish, or you could use a small program called "MozBackup", which allows you to back up a number of things in Firefox:




MozbackUP software, Can I use this software to back up my book-marks and save them on my USB flash player, and use it on any other PC? that will be my goal for me to be available to do this.



Thank you for posting your help.

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Good question.


You can save the backup to any location you desire, including a Flash Drive. And you could quite probably do what you ask with another computer.


You would have to test that one out yourself as I can't find any information on it. To try it, you would need to have the same version of MozBackup on the other PC as you have to run MozBackup to restore a backup.


I wouldn't have thought that it's backup files would be computer specific, but as I say, I can't find any info on that.


A couple of links for you to look through:





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