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D?sinstallation de CCleaner


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J'ai besoin de savoir comment d?sinstaller, d?finitivement et proprement , CCLEANER de mon syst?me Windows XP SP3.

En effet, il n'apparait pas dans la liste : Panneau de Configuration / ajout-suppression de programmes, ni dans les options de Ccleaner ??


REMERCIEMENTS pour toute aide.


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This is a english spekaing forum, can you repost please, there are a few members who can speak french.



I need to know how to uninstall, finally and properly, CCleaner on my Windows XP SP3.

Indeed, it does not appear in the list: Control Panel / Add-Remove Programs or in options Ccleaner?


THANKS for any help.



I'm not sure you will understand my english reply.

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