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Temporary Internet Files


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CCleaner doesn't seem to be removing all of my temporary files, particularly under the content.ie5 directory

ie. ....\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5


I hate to complain, mainly because I love the product - it's free, and overall it works great. I don't mind getting rid of the temp files manually, but just wondering if I'm doing something wrong.

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CCleaner doesn't seem to be removing all of my temporary files, particularly under the content.ie5 directory

ie. ....\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5


I hate to complain, mainly because I love the product - it's free, and overall it works great. I don't mind getting rid of the temp files manually, but just wondering if I'm doing something wrong.


You are doing something wrong.


CCleaner CAN remove all temp files, but you have to untick the option in advanced settings about leaving files that are 24 hours old.


The reason this is there, is because many installers/antispyware product updates/programs will leave files in the temp dir to update on reboot.


Clearing them before the update (reboot) is applied, could result in system instability or even a failure to boot.

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CCleaner CAN remove all temp files, but you have to untick the option in advanced settings about leaving files that are 24 hours old.

AFAIK this doesn't apply to the temporary internet cache, which is what the OP is referring to.


It appears to be the location for the Windows 7 cache. Anyone else had internet cache clearing problems at W7?


@ KokoCanada - exactly what file do you think are not getting cleared? If it's just index.dat files (and of course the folders that they sit under) then these files cannot be removed until reboot (unless the behaviour is different at W7 but I suspect not).

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