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StartUp or Shutdown

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Hello @CCleaner ( Piriform )


Here is my Question.


Can it be done that i can run the CClean at PC Shutdown instead of when i startup. ?

I only found the box asking if you like to do this.

But this slows down my Start-up

What would be nice is if you could click in a box either for ( At Start-up or At the shutdown )

ie. if i then have it cliked on to start running before the Shut-Down and then it Shuts-Down there after.

The time here would not be so bad.


Bit mixed up this but i think you get the gift of what i mean. :D


PS. Great little program this been using it for years.

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Hello DennisD


Thanks for your Quick reply, OK. I tried that and it worked , but it wasn't exactly that what i had in mind.

I was more in the line of thinking to put it into the setup as ( at Shutdown or Startup ) with a box that one could click on.

But it does work the way you showed.


PS. it would have to be One or the Other if in a box to click on other wise your PC would Start run the CClean and the Shutdown :huh:


Thanks DennisD

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You need to think of this logically.


For ccleaner to be able to close at shutdown it first would need to be running, Then cancel the shut down opperation. Run the ccleaner then re tell windows to close down.


The implications this could cause could be endless. I aint a coder of the standard of the makers of ccleaner, but from what i do know this would not be practicle or maybe impossible to do this with out the possibility of errors.


There could be something critical being done on shut down and ccleaner interupts this and god knows what could happen.


There may be a safe way to do this, like i said i'm not a professioanl coder maybe ccleaner staff could say other wise, but i doubt it, this has been asked endless times.


I cant personally see any hassel of clicking quick launch running ccleaner and then closing down, in actual fact it's quicker then going start - turn off etc.

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