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Help Needed!


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I deleted some 8 gigs of old games and files and just let CCleaner do its thing. Like 3hrs later i checked and it was still doing the secure deletion,35 pass. Anyways, took a nap and woke up to find laptop closed and thought wife closed it when CCleaner finished. Asked wife what time she closed the lid on the pc and she says she didnt! turns out my 5y.o. son closed it and CCleaner didnt finish.When i turn pc on i notice that my 500gig drive, which had over 250gigs empty, now says that it only has 49gigs empty!!! I been using this program for years and NEVER once had any problem. But now dont know what i should do. Can someone please tell me if running CCleaner again will return my space? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance.




Vista Ultimate sp2, 3.0 ghz

500 gig hhd

4gig ram

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was wiping free space checked?


Yes or no have a look at windirstat. it will help you locate whats taking up the space. This image might help you





On another note, Don't bother using 35 passes. It's a waste of time. There is no evidence one pass can be recovered.

No fate but what we make

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