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javascript/hotmail issue


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maybe i'm thick-headed, but i've spent the past hour browsing this forum trying to find a solution.


i ran ccleaner recently after having a problem. checked all check boxes (maybe not a good idea), did not do registry backup (definitely not a good idea), now hotmail javascripts not working. can't click on anything, delete, open, nothing. i tried an xp system restore, no luck. tried uninstalling and reinstalling firefox several times. no luck.


HELP! I HATE INTERNET EXPLORER and it's a pain to open that for just hotmail. thank you for your kindness.

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Iv been using ccleaner for years and never used any thing other then default. Registry back up should be a must and automated as dennis suggested.


But i cant see how it would cause your issue.


are you using Noscript?


also some addons cause curruption of the cache and can mess with pages.


Orbits addon stopped some pages working so it could be worth while uninstalling the addons and going threw one by one to see if one causes it.


But before you try that, close firefox and delete these three files


filePath = "C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5jzf3e8r.default\extensions.cache"

filePath2 = "C:\Documents and Settings\Sam\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5jzf3e8r.default\extensions.ini"

filePath3 = "C:\Documents and Settings\Sam\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5jzf3e8r.default\extensions.rdf"

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strangely, (magically?) the problem ceased only about an hour ago. it's been dogging me for weeks, but when i finally get around to finding the answer, it somehow fixes itself. perhaps it wasn't ccleaner after all? i guess i'll never know.


thank you for your reply.


Iv been using ccleaner for years and never used any thing other then default. Registry back up should be a must and automated as dennis suggested.


But i cant see how it would cause your issue.


are you using Noscript?


also some addons cause curruption of the cache and can mess with pages.


Orbits addon stopped some pages working so it could be worth while uninstalling the addons and going threw one by one to see if one causes it.


But before you try that, close firefox and delete these three files


filePath = "C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5jzf3e8r.default\extensions.cache"

filePath2 = "C:\Documents and Settings\Sam\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5jzf3e8r.default\extensions.ini"

filePath3 = "C:\Documents and Settings\Sam\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5jzf3e8r.default\extensions.rdf"

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