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Restore to Default


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Add a "Restore to Default Settings" Button for people who have messed around with all the settings unknowingly and then want to revert back to the original one.



Simplicity is hard.

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You mean like right click on setting, select Restore Default State?

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Yeah, something like that

Simplicity is hard.

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Right click on setting, select Restore Default State.

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Lol, probably something is wrong with my PC. I don't get that option.


Anyway, I don't want it, I was suggesting it for the Newbies :)

Simplicity is hard.

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That's strange. If you right click on say, Old Prefetch data, what do you see? I get Analyse, Clean, and in a separate box at the bottom of the list Restore default state. I'm on 20.920, I can't remember when this came in, quite recently. You should be getting this: I'm on XPHSP3, do other Vista users see this option? It doesn't seem the sort of thing to be O/S dependent.

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I right clicked (and just to check, left clicked too) on every possible clickable thing :mellow::blink:



Simplicity is hard.

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Ooooh! I get it.


Lol! I meant settings such as > "Run CCleaner when The Computer starts", "Automatically Check For Updates", etc. etc.


There are many people who mess around with things they don't know! And end getting stuck up.

Simplicity is hard.

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