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Resetting devices/driver installation counter

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My suggestion for next releases.


There are some devices/driver that, when you install and uninstall sever times, get to increase o sort of counter in some device management application on windows system (xp in this case).


For example: my wireless network adapter, even I've completely uninstalled and I've scanned my pc deeply and completely with CCleaner, then, when I install it again, "sounds" as #2, #3, and so on (please see the snapshoot, sorry for italian but it's very clear).


While there are some devices (as modem or other) that you can easily delete from control panel when become #2, #3 (so you can restart from "0"), other (as that in my exemple) it's impossible (the #N is locked and managed by system). I don't like this behaviour and I would like reset these driver counters.


It's clear that in some key in registry there is a sort of installation counter or similar stuff in somewhere in the system configuration.


I hope that CCleaner someday will get this feature, even if maybe it's not so "critical".





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