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My internet speed upgrade


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3 days ago my isp Pipex finally got around to upgrading my connection from 512Kb :angry: to 1Mb :D or so i thought, they were going to upgrade me and everyone else for FREE because of some agreement with BT that allows all the isp's to upgrade the connection equipment at junctions or something like that. Any how instead of what the 1Mb which i expected i actualy got 2Mb connection :D. Sweet so i was just wondering what connection do you guys have and if you don't mind saying for how much so i can see how much i and most British people are getting ripped off as we normally do :angry:

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what connection do you guys have and if you don't mind saying for how much so i can see how much i and most British people are getting ripped off as we normally do




Well I'm getting ripped off by my ISP InterLink which charges $19.95 per month for a freakin' dial-up. The only reason I still use it is because I don't have to install some crappy half-ass software just to connect to the web.

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Well I'm getting ripped off by my ISP InterLink which charges $19.95 per month for a freakin' dial-up. The only reason I still use it is because I don't have to install some crappy half-ass software just to connect to the web.





i pay the same thing for crappy dial-up, but i'm only at home for the summer, at school i have high-speed cable, but since i go to school in a town/city with three universities/colleges, all the internet suckx there because sooooo many students on it all the time.

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$14.95/month (Canadian) for Cable lite speed. Cheers, Lyle




yet another reason western canada is better than ontarible...more to come on that note in just a minute...

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my is 512kbps for $SGD45 per month... slowpoke...




I have been given a good price from AOL once I told them I was canceling due to lower prices..$9.95/mo unlimited dial-up, (business use) I have been with them a long time and I hate the hassle of switching email etc. Comcast Cable..Maryland...way too expensive, but I have it at home $42.00/mo. I need something cheaper!

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