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Don't delete my Google bookmarks cookie


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When I use my dearly beloved CCleaner it always deletes the cookie, that Google Bookmarks needs in order to stay open. The Gmail cookie stays put because I used the tool settings inside CCleaner to ensure that. But I can't figure out how to do the same for my bookmarks which I use all the time. So that's the question I'd like some help with: how do I permit the bookmark cookie to stay put?

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Hi ePost, and thrice welcome to the forum.


Apologies for keeping you hanging on for a reply, but your problem is an odd one. I'm able to log into Google Bookmarks, and retain the login details, as long as I'm already logged into my Google Mail account.


If I'm not logged into Google Mail, I can't log into the Bookmarks at all. It just ignores my Google Mail credentials.


To test this out fully, I've deleted all my Google "cookies to keep" (3, all different), and my Opera "Wand" retained login details, and I'm gonna mess around with it for a while, and see if I can sort out why this happens.


Apologies again for you having to post 3 times to get some attention, but Sods Law tells me that you'll now get a host of replies telling you exactly what the problem is.


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I've tried out Google Bookmarks extensively today.


First, I wiped out all my saved cookies, and my Opera/Firefox saved login information, and then logged in to Google Bookmarks with my Google Username and Password.


With Opera, there was always a problem just logging in, as Google doesn't consider Opera a recognized browser. The only way I could get into Google Bookmarks was by signing into Google Mail first. Weird.


With Firefox, I was able to log in to Google Bookmarks with no problem. And without exception, every time I logged in and then closed down my browser, the same 3 cookies appeared in CCleaner, and one or all of these cookies contain the Google Bookmarks login details.




If I'd logged into Google Mail as well, there would have been a 4th cookie, "mail.google".


All I can suggest is to check out the settings in your browser, and see if you have it configured to delete cookies on close, or maybe you have another program you use which could be wiping out those cookies.

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I'm on IE8 but I had the same issue with IE7. The way I see the problem is, that the bookmark cookie is not listed in CCleaner so I can't transfer it to the cookies to keep box. If I'm logged in to my bookmarks and my mail and then run CCleaner I stay logged into my Gmail but the access to the bookmarks is gone. I just type the login details again of cause but it's beginning to bother me. :P

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and one or all of these cookies contain the Google Bookmarks login details.
Then how come my bookmarks login is gone? Because I keep all the Google cookies. This only happens when I run CCleaner. This could be a Google issue, I realise. Not necessarily something CCleaner can fix.
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I've completely edited this post, as a possible simple solution dawned on me while I was having tea. Yep, it just popped up between sips. First of all, if you don't yet have it, get the latest version of CCleaner, as it now supports IE8.




It was the mention in your last post that you keep all the Google cookies, although I thought from your earlier posts that the Google Bookmarks cookie wasn't showing up at all in CCleaner.


Nothing shows up if it's already in the "cookies to keep" window. I'm surmising therefore that you may have a dud cookie.


Once you have the new version installed, go to the "cookies to keep" window, and move all the Google cookies out of there into the "cookies to delete" window, and run CCleaner.


Go back to Google Mail, and Google Bookmarks, and enter all your details again. This process probably isn't necessary with Google Mail, but have a clean sweep anyway.


When you close down your browser, open CCleaner, and you should now have new cookies in the "cookies to delete" window. Move the new ones across, and with any luck that should do the trick. Fingers crossed here.

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I have the new CCleaner. Got it yesterday. I have been looking into this myself. I'm not at all a novice at this but I'm also not an expert. This could be wrong but it seems to me that the bookmarks cookie can't be found in the cookie cache at all. It's sitting in temporary internet files?


I access cache & cookies this way because it's the fastest way:


Start -> Run -> type -> Shell:cookies

Start -> Run -> type -> Shell:cache


Have I gone blind or what is the matter here?

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You will find them in there, but I'd say they are temp file copies. Have a look in:


C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Cookies.


These are the same cookies. Try the fresh start with all your Google cookies and see how that works.

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It seems that it worked! The first test I did after the new cookies were in place inside CCleaner showed that I was indeed still logged into both my email and my bookmarks. Perhaps Google made some changes to this cookie when they released their new toolbars just a few weeks ago. Google Toolbar 5 came out of beta and a brand new Google Toolbar 6 was released in a beta version. The old cookie(s) was apparently obsolete?


Thank you so much, DennisD! I'll keep you informed if I experience any changes. Thanks again. :D

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