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This is the first time I am using CCleaner and when I had it to analyze in the Windows application it showed so many files. Even documents I just created today. Does this mean it will delete this documents or that it is just cleaning them up?

Not to "computer smart" here and want to be sure before I click away!!

Just trying to make an old system gain some of its speed back.


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Using Analyze before Cleaning them is very wise. You can see what files are chosen for deletion before-hand.

Yes, Cleaning them will delete them. It's best to know a bit more about your system files before deleting them. Otherwise, you know, you're pooter may die.

If you're not sure, it's always best to create a System Restore point (or its Vista alternative) before deleting any files with CCleaner. That way if you do delete files and your system goes coocoo, you can use System Restore to restore your system files back to the way they were before the time you used CCleaner. Comprende?


Also note that in those upper left tabs (Windows and Applications) that you have the option of checking & unchecking boxes of categories that you want or don't want scanned.


For a start, any internet browsers' "cache" (IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.) should always be checked for scanning & deletion. That's the major bulk of junk you want to get rid of.

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Check the file names found in the analyse step. If they are something.lnk, then they are shortcuts used in My Recent Documents and can be deleted. I have found the Cleaner section to be fairly harmless, the worst it does is lose your passwords or window sizes, and it won't do even this if you leave the default settings as they are. Don't run Registry Clean yet, if ever. In fact, look at but don't run any of the other sections yet.


PS System Restore will not recover any data files in XP, just certain system files. CC won't delete any of these unless you are a psychotic user (and there are some).

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Thanks for the info so quickly. Guess I am still lost here.

I downloaded CCleaner as a result of a chat with HP because my system was running so slow. I have added programs like Quad Registry cleaner, Panda for virsus etc. I do the normal disk clean, defrag etc and yet still sometimes there is something running in the background that I cant see and it puts my system to a dead stop for several minutes.

If CCleaners just deletes files, programs,,,, I dont undestand. I can right click and delete files but I use these files,, maybe help me in plainer terms if you folks can.

Thanks again for the help





Using Analyze before Cleaning them is very wise. You can see what files are chosen for deletion before-hand.

Yes, Cleaning them will delete them. It's best to know a bit more about your system files before deleting them. Otherwise, you know, you're pooter may die.

If you're not sure, it's always best to create a System Restore point (or its Vista alternative) before deleting any files with CCleaner. That way if you do delete files and your system goes coocoo, you can use System Restore to restore your system files back to the way they were before the time you used CCleaner. Comprende?


Also note that in those upper left tabs (Windows and Applications) that you have the option of checking & unchecking boxes of categories that you want or don't want scanned.


For a start, any internet browsers' "cache" (IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.) should always be checked for scanning & deletion. That's the major bulk of junk you want to get rid of.

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Did you read what I posted? If you run the Cleaner section with default settings then you are unlikely to come to any harm. Well, you certainly won't, it's your pc that's unlikely.


As for the new info, are you intending to run CC to cure the pc lockup you're experiencing? CC is unlikey to help here, as it clears out temporary/non-essential files only. Identifying lockups is an entirely different matter.

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