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Feature request

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It would be very useful if the Uninstall tool had a search box which filtered the items in the list on the fly as you type words into the box. For example, by typing in "micros" already only items beginning with "Microsoft...." should be listed. However, typing in "office" should limit the list to "Microsoft Office 2007" and other programs with the word "office" in the title, or the install path.


I find that many programs' descriptions in the list start with the manufacturer name, which is a name that I'm not usually familiar with (other than the big brands). Even though the list is sorted alphabetically, this doesn't help if you don't know the program your are looking for's manufacturer name. But I usually know the name of the program or the folder on the disk in which it is kept, and would like to be able to search quickly by what I know, rather than what the manufacturer thinks I should know.


I hope this makes sense, and won't take too much effort to add to this excellent tool.

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