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CCleaner 2.09.600 misses Skype startup


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At startup Skype starts - I don't really want it to. When I look using CC Tools --> Startup I see:



Skype is not listed! How does it start? where from? and how come CC is not reporting it!


Thanks for your help!


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Welcome eyeks


StartupList has a comprehensive list of locations for starting things:



Another application could be starting it because it needs it.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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Just some extra info to kens post. I've just updated Skype, and it does have an entry in Tools/Options to have Skype start with Windows.


I've just tried setting that and rebooting, and Skype does put an entry into the Startup registered by CCleaner. It also starts a service running called Skype.exe.


Have a look in Start/Run enter "services.msc" (without the quotes) and hit OK or Return, and see if there's a Skype service running. If so, you can disable it, or set it to manual, which is probably better, by selecting "properties", and set the startup type.


Even logging off Skype without closing the program down properly still doesn't have it starting again with windows. I can't reproduce what's happening on your PC. I run XP as opposed to your Vista, but I don't think that would make any difference here. If it does, someone will surely tell me. :)


Try that useful Utility program ken links to, and check out "services".


Hope this helps.

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Thank you for the insights!


The StartupList tool was able to identify the 'culprit'.


For those who are curious - I recently installed a bluetooth dongle and the software from the maker IVT Corporation (BlueSoleil) starts a VoIP plugin which in turn has SkypeAgent.dll - I suspect that is what starts Skype among dozens of other 'helper' things. Joy!


Knowing is half the battle - now I'll look and see if I can trim back this dump of crap!


Thank you again!



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