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Anti-Virus question


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Hey i was just wondering is there any point to having ore then one anti-virus on your computer. I know one might miss some stuff and the other might find it but other then that is there any good reasons. If there is a good reason to have 2 could some one give me some recommendations for a good free one :D:D:D

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I would highly recommend not to have 2 as most if not all anti virus programs conflict with each other as for what one I would suggest the one I use which is Avast home edition. There is a poll on this forum of which one is best I suggest you check it out. I do believe however that Avast home edition is the best free one out there and I've been using it close to around 8 months now and not one virus.


The poll: http://forum.CCleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=1486


Avast Hom edition: http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html

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You can do different AV scans, but you shouldn't have more than one resident AV protection program running at the same time. You could do an occasional online scan to supplement your resident program. I use Trend Micro Europe for that, it's the only online scan that works with Firefox: http://uk.trendmicro-europe.com/enterprise...call_launch.php

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i own symantec antivirus corp edition... i scan my system almost every 2 days... beside that, i also uses the housecall from trend-micro... both always return a 0 result to me everytime for years (i already forgotten the last time a virus infest my system)... so i believe it is better to surf safe and stick to one antivirus, having its residental shield on and update it frequently...

but you can use as many antivirus as you want... but let only of of them have the residental shield on...


a list of antivirus (not a complete listing) with their website:



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Hey i was just wondering is there any point to having ore then one anti-virus on your computer. I know one might miss some stuff and the other might find it but other then that is there any good reasons. If there is a good reason to have 2 could some one give me some recommendations for a good free one  :D  :D  :D






Its best to use one anti virus , as others have mentioned here ,two or more resident AV may conflict with each other.

I use Avast! 4 Home version and its been great for me. I turned on the automatic Updates. And they have lots of easy to replace Skins to suit your taste.

I feel very confident in avast AV protection and they have quick answering support on questions I asked them.. Also recommend the avast Forum ..

My former AV was Norton version 2005 internet security and it was using too much of my computer resources , so I removed it couple of months ago.

I have 2 PC's one windows 98 SE with avast AV and the other XP Sp2 that came with McAfee, but I will also place avast on the XP computer ibefore year end.

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Two running at the same time is a bad ideal, I know Win98 went into some "warning more than one antivirus detected" mode when this was done, however it was invisible and didn't even bother notifying the user, I don't know if WinXP does this or not.


About every three months I install one of the freeware AV scanners to double check and make sure eTrust really is keeping my system clean, of course the only safe way to do that is to completely disable an already installed antivirus program so that none of its components are running.


One problem with having two AV's on one system even if one is completely disabled, and even if it doesn't come with a resident shield is sometimes another one may give a false positive of another's definition files however this usually only occurs if the definition files aren't encrypted. Another problem is if an AV scanner is automatically set to delete infected or suspicious files, it can wipe out another AV scanner's definition files (again probably will only happen if they aren't encrypted), that's the reason when I do my quarterly scan with a secondary checkup AV program I configure it to only report infected or suspicious files.

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My former AV was Norton version 2005 internet security and it was using too much of my computer resources , so I removed it couple of months ago.

another complain about norton antivirus... i guess norton is lossing its status...


I would check out BitDefender Free Edition.


It is on demand only; therefore, should not interfere with your resident scanner.


Bitdefender has better detection rates than the free programs.

i tried this thing... but it always failed to update my virus defination...


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Erase that post. Warez and cracks are not to be posted on this forum. That includes links. (I would but yet, I lack the powaaaaaaa-ar! :lol: )

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Erase that post.

Yup. It should be erased immediately because such posts can ultimately get Mr.G into legal trouble with Network Associates, that's the last thing he needs.

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I guess my prev link is not working i just uploded this software enjoy!!

Read the post by Tarun! If you don't understand it read it again and again! Then read the post by me.

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What are you thinking? You post the links to warez sites and they ask you to take it down, then you post another link! You might want to spend some time reading the posts on this forum we are not really the types that steal software. Instead of doing this checkout the free programs we have listed that are legal and if you know any others add them to the list, just DO NOT post anymore pirated software links:



I know you were just trying to help but this isnt the place for that. Oh and by the way welcome to the forum. ;)

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That's why the forum needs an agreement that must be accepted before someone can actually post. I don't know how Mr.G feels about it, however by detailing in an agreement that no illegal cracks, links, serials can be posted and won't be tolerated would in the end offer him some level of protection, many forums have such agreements hence the site owner is seen as responsible.

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Because most people use IPB for a Forum. Most Web Hosters have Control Panels, with just 1 click you can install the IPB Forum. Very nice to do and a very good forum system.


Figured I would try to be professional about it. Well, I guess the team is me, and MrG. That is if he wants to be a Moderator. :lol:

Your Friendly Neighborhood Piriform Forum Moderator

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It's probably still just TM and Mr.G. I think certain people on this forum would make excellent moderators *hint* *hint*.

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if u want i can provide Mcafee anti virus full version!

so is using of un-authorize method... that's not cool...


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