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microsoft calculator


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Yeah, so today.. I went to use my calculator only to find that it is missing. I downloaded "Microsoft Calculator Plus", and installed it. I was using this program which has a calculator shortcut. I clicked the button and the program just closed. The reason is because the calculator is not installed in the windows folder. Where is the location of the Windows Calculator, and how would I put it in the right folder?

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Ok, now how would I install the calculator into that folder so the program knows that it is there?

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To come back to your original question, you *ought* to have a copy of calc.exe in your Windows\System32\Dllcache folder, and you can simply copy that to the System32 folder.


From then on you can launch the calculator through Start > Run > calc, or of course create a fresh shortcut to the file on the desktop, or in Quick Start or your Start menu (in case the one there's missing)

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... and as for MS Calculator Plus. You should not need to move anything into the Windows folder for it to work.


I just downloaded it to have a look. Double-click the msi-file, and the application is installed, adding a shortcut in Start Menu which will successfully launch the application, just like it should. I'm a bit puzzled as to why it closes all by itself on your end....

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... and as for MS Calculator Plus. You should not need to move anything into the Windows folder for it to work.


I just downloaded it to have a look. Double-click the msi-file, and the application is installed, adding a shortcut in Start Menu which will successfully launch the application, just like it should. I'm a bit puzzled as why it closes all by itself on your end....


Yeah it is really confusing me too. :(

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