Where is the "slim" version?

Thanks for the new version of Ccleaner, but on the builds page, there no "slim" version - just the crapware version & USB version.

The slim version always appears a couple of days later.

Please be patient. :)

Just wait a day or two and it'll be up :)

Edit: Oh damn, Hazel ninja'd that

what exactly is the crapware ?

CC installed without asking whether I wanted to install anything else.

Normally 'Advanced Options' allows you to opt in/out of the crapware.

If you opt out once, it waits an X amount of time before offering it again. It's google chrome.

Simple enough, I wonder why we have to wait 2 days or more for the slim version...

There should be an announcement to wait rather than just dead nothing like now when you try to download the slim version.

you will have to forgive me cause im a bit intoxicated at the moment:

but why the hell hasn't anyone thought of putting this info on the builds page so people stop coming here and asking the damn question after EVERY single release? are they just trying to drive people to come to the forums and sign up just to ask the question?

I dunno maybe a cool automated system that has like a timer on the builds page for the amount of time they want it to be delayed then it deploys it when the timer runs out... just a thought.... a cool drunken thought... but a thought none-the-less for this NON programmer/web guy...

Uh oh, they're going to install a breathalyzer on your keyboard so you can't drunk post anymore! :P

Simple enough, I wonder why we have to wait 2 days or more for the slim version...

Exactly, why DO we have to wait 2 or more days for the slim version?

If there are constant complaints about the wait, we might lose the slim version altogether.

If you just think about it, you could come up with a possible reason for the wait. :)

If there are constant complaints about the wait, we might lose the slim version altogether.

If you just think about it, you could come up with a possible reason for the wait. :)

like i said, put a countdown timer, or notice on the "builds" page... loads less posts/questions about WHERE and WHY its MIA, might get a few WHY THE WAIT questions...but thats gotta be LOADS better then after each release getting forum spammed asking where it went, why it isnt there, and is it gone, is it coming back, yada yada yada...

you get the picture eh?

Maybe the devs like the feedback, knowing people are anxious to get their product :o

i need also ccleaner f?r u3-stick...

like i said, put a countdown timer, or notice on the "builds" page... loads less posts/questions about WHERE and WHY its MIA, might get a few WHY THE WAIT questions...but thats gotta be LOADS better then after each release getting forum spammed asking where it went, why it isnt there, and is it gone, is it coming back, yada yada yada...

you get the picture eh?

No need to be rude eh!

I read your previous post and thought it was a good suggestion. Just like the poster before you who made a similar suggestion. Which kind of proves my point, sometimes people (including myself) just don't take the time to read and think for themselves. Why should you when you can just jump on the Internet and ask for the answer.

I don't understand what the big deal is anyway.

I'd like Piriform to just offer one or the other.

No need to be rude eh!

I read your previous post and thought it was a good suggestion. Just like the poster before you who made a similar suggestion. Which kind of proves my point, sometimes people (including myself) just don't take the time to read and think for themselves. Why should you when you can just jump on the Internet and ask for the answer.

I don't understand what the big deal is anyway.

I'd like Piriform to just offer one or the other.

I still dont get after reading it a few times how you took that as rude, but sidestepping finding out how, i meant the "eh" statement more of a i hope that was a good enough explanation, because i cant explain s**t to people lately, off my my own world where bah means: "no thank you sir, I would rather not go down on a sinking ship in the middle of the desert with only peanut butter and moldy bread in the middle of a sand storm"

Notice the main download link is now a paid link and the free links are smaller. Looks like Piriform is desperate for revenue, from both human instinct and Google!

All versions are still free.

The payment (should you decide you want to pay it) is for paid support from Piriform, as opposed to getting free support from here on the forum.

All versions are still free.

The payment (should you decide you want to pay it) is for paid support from Piriform, as opposed to getting free support from here on the forum.

sadly, i see no mention of a different download link of a "slim" build if i pay for the "premium support" option...

ergo, nogo...

EDIT: what makes it even MORE hilarious, is this:


Thank you for your payment!

We shall keep you updated about all future CCleaner versions and any new products we release.

You may download CCleaner from:



The CCleaner Team

Piriform Ltd


Still no slim link... only the {SNIPPED By Moderator} chrome/open candy infused edition... at least provide a dynamic 1 time use link for those who donate+/buy support... sheez...

The slim build is traditionally placed on the download page 2 or 3 days after a new build comes out.

The regular build is

Version 3.04.1389  (2,962 kb)

- http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download

It's not like it installs Chrome automatically. It ASKS you. How difficult is it to un-check the option? Also, if you have Chrome (I guess, many people do) its just as good as the Slim build. The file size is < 3 Mb and I don't see any problem in downloading the regular build instead.

Just my opinion. :)