Slow Start up


I seem to have noticed that my computer has a really slow start up,I get the windows screen up (XP) then my wallpaper appears...and then the dreaded wait for the screen to populate with taskbar and shortcut icons to internet,email etc..

I timed it yesterday and from wallpaper desktop picture to icons appearing was three minutes..thats a long time ! :blink:

Can anyone point me in the direction of what i can do (newbie style) to speed up this ?.I looked on CCleaner to see what is in startup and there are 15 programs in start up

any ideas most wellcome !!


Has the slowdown just suddenly happen or did it get progressively slower on every bootup??

Are you running any Anti-Virus software, have you performed a scan yet??

If you run XP in safe mode (press F8 before the XP slash screen) does you're machine startup a lot quicker??

Can you open Device Manager: Start, Run, devmgmt.msc and locate IDE ATA controllers, expand the list and double click on Primary IDE Channel.

Click on the "Advanced Settings" tab does it say Device 0: Transfer Mode "DMA if available" or "PIO only"??

Also check the S.M.A.R.T status with Speccy does your hard drive "Reallocated Sectors Count" have a value higher than 0000000000??

Richard S.

Try StartUpLite from Malwarebytes:

Possibly some resident security program either anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-spyware, or a firewall.

If you changed any security software lately that may be the cause, or if any has had a program version auto-update or if you've manually updated lately that may have significantly impacted your system performance.

Hey Guys thanks for the replies and ideas


Anti virus software running and hasn`t picked up anything,

Can`t say whether it has slowly built up to a slow start or it just happened..i just seem to notice it now and it`s almost to the second three minutes everytime,

If I run in safe mode everthing populates so quick !!

ran device manager-locate ide ata controllers it says device 0 transfer mode "DMA if availiable"

just dowwnloded "speccy" and rellocated sectors count had 000000000E

Icedrake--looks like a good idea. ;) .i would though like to know what has caused the slow start..

Andavari--I`m running Avast (5 )and i also think superantispyware updated recently and it has a "start up program when i checked in CCleaner start up so does "java update"for what i do`nt know !

I wonder if the answer does lie in what is starting up that i do`nt need to start up !


The "Reallocated Sectors Count" having a value above 0000000000 would suggest your hard drive has bad sectors which could account for the performance hit.

To check your hard drive's read performance use HD Tune and perform a benchmark test.

If your hard drive is working correctly the read speed should be more or less consistent with a roll off at the end of the disk.

A problem hard drive would look something like this:


Please let me know how the benchmark test performed.

Richard S.

Try StartUpLite from Malwarebytes:

I tried using an application once to increase speed at startup, was ok, but i find using vbs to load my applications very very quick, i get full use of my pc in about 15 seconds

Try setting your prefetch to boot only, prefetcher preloads into memory every single app youve used in the past.

Goto Start, Run, type Regedit

In Registry go to, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

Double click on EnablePrefetcher and change from 3 to 2.

Goto C:\Windows\Prefetch

And delete all the PF files.

Reboot computer and you should get your average load up time now.

If inside the prefetch folder after reboot isnt 2 files now, Layout and NTOSBOOT then you will need to rebuild them, if only one delete it. Then:

Goto Start, Run, type Cmd

In command prompt type Rundll32.exe Advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

If task manager is running you should see a couple of processes kick up, i think they was defragging ones (been a while since i used XP), once finished you should see the rebuilt files in the folder.

Obviously being here i presumed all junk files are cleaned, registry is cleaned and hard drives are already defragged.

Also if youve had windows a long time then youve probably added and removed quite a bit of hardware. It saves all this information and is best to remove.

Goto Start, right click My Computer and choose Properties, in Advanced tab choose Environment Variables, in System Variables at bottom click New, add:


and then for Value 1.

Now reboot,

Go to Start, Run and type Devmgmt.msc

Goto View, Show hidden devices and delete all semi invisible things.

Richard,this is the hd tune idea how the drive has performed !!


PerfectionisticD the last suggestion you made... Devmgr_Show_NonPresent_Devices

is one I made myself quite a long time ago. It is sometimes also known as removing the grey/ghost drivers that can be left.

It is of course one that you have to observe closely what you are doing!

As you are new to the forum today please don't be surprised if there may be some reluctance to follow or try any of your suggestions, I'm sure you'll understand :)

However, having said that, welcome to the forum PerfectionisticD :)

Fluffy it may help if you list your startup, there may be some clues there.

I take it that you didn't uninstall Online Armor using a 3rd party uninstaller such as Revo?

Ident--15 seconds would be a dream !

ParfectionisticD Thanks for the reply, my member status says "advanced member"..well don`t belive it !!!

we have to go at Fluff speed to ensure that the entire computer does not end up in the "recyle bin"that means a large black plastic object with two wheels and lives outside !!

Hazelnut!! i think i installed online from a direct link(from this forum) not revo...

start up from the list in CCleaner has this


superantispyware(which is strange because its the free version,not real time and i use it as a back up)




windows defender

speedtouch usb diagnostics



Adobe read speed launcher

@online armour GUI

avast 5

Kernal fault check

SunjavaUpdate Sched


My HDtune says Health status`s like being at the doctors !!!!!

I did an error scan and everything was green !


Ident--15 seconds would be a dream !

ParfectionisticD Thanks for the reply, my member status says "advanced member"..well don`t belive it !!!

we have to go at Fluff speed to ensure that the entire computer does not end up in the "recyle bin"that means a large black plastic object with two wheels and lives outside !!

Hazelnut!! i think i installed online from a direct link(from this forum) not revo...

start up from the list in CCleaner has this


superantispyware(which is strange because its the free version,not real time and i use it as a back up)




windows defender

speedtouch usb diagnostics



Adobe read speed launcher

@online armour GUI

avast 5

Kernal fault check

SunjavaUpdate Sched


feel free to play around with the script if you like. The only things i do not touch is avast (obvious reasons) and my graphics card because i would get the registered msgbox each start up of successfully reg (might be a work around?)

any way

Option Explicit

Private Const CCleanerLocation = “C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe /AUTO”
Private Const EruntLocation = “C:\Program Files\ERUNT\AUTOBACK.EXE %SystemRoot%\ERDNT\AutoBackup#Date# /noconfirmdelete /noprogresswindow”
Private Const MruBlasterLocation = “C:\Program Files\MRU-Blaster\mrublaster.exe -silent”
Private Const RocketDockLocation = “C:\Program Files\RocketDock\RocketDock.exe”
Private Const ThunderBirdLocation = “C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe”
Private Const SystemStartUpDelay = “120000”
Private Const DelayBetweenHeavyLoadApplications = “60000”
Private Const DelayBetweenLowLevelApplications = “10000”
Private Const CtfMonStartUpRegistryKey = “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ctfmon.exe”
Private Const CtfmonFileLocation = “C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe”

'Instance Varibles
Dim fsoObject, objShell, DeleteCtfmon

Set fsoObject = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set DeleteCtfmon = fsoObject.GetFile(CtfmonFileLocation)
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)

On Error Resume Next

'Delete Annoying Ctfmon
objShell.RegDelete CtfMonStartUpRegistryKey

'Delay StartUp Items

'Run Erunt


'Run CCleaner


'Run Mru Blaster


'Run RocketDock


'Run Thunderbird

'Clean up
Set ObjShell=Nothing

Fluffy Can I just check that you are still running Online Armor? When I read what you said in post 5 I assumed you had uninstalled it, which is why I asked how you uninstalled it :)

If you still have it installed try as a test, unticking the option to launch OA at next startup. Click on options under the left hand side under the main menu to find it. Then reboot, OA will not start, but is you start time any quicker?

Then startup OA again just do start>all programs>online armor>online armor.

Also I think you do not need this at startup

or this

nvmediacentre is just the little nvidia tray icon, if you don't use it, you don't need it at startup.

Fluffy the benchmark graph doesn't look bad but you have 5 areas of the disk showing a speed read reduction (negative spikes).

Interestingly I also have the same hard drive make and model if you want to compare graphs. :)


As far as I can tell the boot up speed is more software related than hardware but given it's current condition it would be wise to periodically check the S.M.A.R.T status for an increase in "Reallocated Sectors Count" value.

Richard S.

Hazelnut Sorry i miss read your post no I didn`t uninstall On line armour...

.tried two things..first l stopping java,nvidia tray and adobe reader from difference in starup time exactly three mintutes again.(but will keep them disabled)

But Whhoooaaaa !!

Tried your suggestion unticked online armour on start-up .and then restarted ....every thing was there in a second !!!!!

However !!!! Avast came up with a message that the (two)realtime shields were turned off (not had that before.)

I turned on online armour and everything settled down and behaved itself !.Strangely i also noted that the Avast icon was back on my task bar at the this icon has been missing for a while even though i had ticked the box to show it in Avast settings.its as if something was stopping it showing and turning off on line armour allowed it back !

Well now I am to presume there is conflict between Avast and Online armour ?? if so is there a way of getting them to work in harmony !!!

also do i need sandboxie in the startup menu ?

Sorry its more questions but i think we are close !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

Richard(redhawk) thanks for the help on the HD tune up .. big high five for the same hard drive make and model !!! :lol:

I think if i can contact you or do another post regarding hardware/hardrive s.m.a.r.t status Im` a bit out of my depth with that

I would keep sandboxie in the startup, I do myself.

It perhaps may be an idea to exclude avast in OA exclusions via options>exclusions, press the add button and browse to avast in prog files and select it.

Back in from the garden for a minute !

I`ve excluded Avastfrom O.A and my icon for avast is back on the bottom task bar..

no change in startup speed..however I have just noted that Avast5 has "a fully intergrated firewall" i wonder if that has conequences with also running O.A..

and i did an O.A saftey check wizard and got two not passed items in start-up and start up objects..

not sure what to try next really..!!!

Are you running the paid version of avast?

The free version doesn't include it the firewall.

You can also exclude OA in the avast exclusions.

Quite a few people run with the avast/OA combination so it's just a case of getting it set up right.

Sory Hazelnut I misread it from Avast no i`m running the free version without the firewall..

I have now exluded OA from Avast,as well as Avast from OA !

I have still red notpassed messages in wizard so i think your correct it likely i haven`t got OA set up correctly,i wonder if i unistalled and went through it again...

I can see one thing running at startup Fluff which has long been a cause of slowdown issues .. "ctfmon.exe".

I removed this one a long time ago, and although it might not be the culprit in your case, it would be worth a try just in case.

You only need this running if the following applies to you:

Ctfmon is the Microsoft process that controls Alternative User Input and the Office Language bar. It’s how you can control the computer via speech or a pen tablet, or using the onscreen keyboard inputs for asian languages.

The only way to stop it running is to do the following:

Go to "Start\Control Panel\Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options\Regional and Language Options\Languages\Details\Advanced" and check the "Turn off advanced text services" box.

This will stop ctfmon.exe completely, as other ways always has it appearing in startup again. This also removes the "language bar" on the taskbar next to the system tray. You don't really need this either.

Of course you can always start it again if you ever need it.