Restore points not being listed

Don't know when this problem started

CC is now at 2.31.1151 and i have tried going back to 2.29.111 and CC does not list restore points using either version.

1. I have a 74gb drive with 56b free space.

2. My SRP disk space is set to max 12% (9087 MB).

3. System Restore program shows restore points going back to April 7th.

4. PC operating system is VP Professional SP3

I have removed restore points maybe a month ago using an earlier version of CC. So something has to be wrong with how CC is getting the restore point references now.

Don't know when this problem started

CC is now at 2.31.1151 and i have tried going back to 2.29.111 and CC does not list restore points using either version.

1. I have a 74gb drive with 56b free space.

2. My SRP disk space is set to max 12% (9087 MB).

3. System Restore program shows restore points going back to April 7th.

4. PC operating system is VP Professional SP3

I have removed restore points maybe a month ago using an earlier version of CC. So something has to be wrong with how CC is getting the restore point references now.

No need to double post.


I moved to a new subject because i felt this problem was different than the other topic, And no one was responding to the other topic.

How can windows be messed up when Windows System Restore has NO problem showing restore points?

Thanks for res[ponding

If Windows is a little bit broken, it is obviously a little bit functional.

It was a tradition with Microsoft that they published "APIs" for third party software to access the O.S.,

but for their own software they knew the better routes to obtain better access, and competitive advantage.

Obviously, CCleaner may use an "official" third party access route, which is now broken,

whilst the built in System Restore can still see the Restore Points via its secret route.

It should also be noted that by default the Restore Points are NOT accessible to normal users.

Before I could see them and their contents in Windows Explorer I had to tamper with them by using CACLS.

Obviously CCleaner is operating with access rights that are above those of the user when it prunes them.

Perhaps Windows is a little broken and no longer allows CCleaner to elevate its privileges.

So many possibilities, but life is too short to enumerate.

The only certain thing is that when Windows breaks a bit,

it does not always give a BSOD, but it will cause chaos and confusion.

In case you failed to see my reply in the previous topic, I repeat :-

If previously version 2.29.1111 was able to list the R.P.,

and now it has lost the capability,

that suggests that Windows is a little more broken now compared to how it was.

It may be worth unzipping the portable version in a separate folder and trying that.

This could avoid any problems that might arise from a CCleaner registry key that has become frozen.


Alan, I tried the portable version, just now, The wait timer runs for a few seconds and then stops and nothing is listed.

Alan, I tried the portable version, just now, The wait timer runs for a few seconds and then stops and nothing is listed.

That rules out any registry problems preventing normal operation of CCleaner.

There remains the possibility that the registry holds an awful lot of data about everything,

and it is possible that every Restore Point is listed as a registry key/value,

and that would allow System Restore to see from the registry,

whilst CCleaner could see from the physical folder/file,

or vice versa.

Sorry, I cannot think of a solution at the moment



Can the problem be passed on to the programmers? And thanks for your assistance, Alan

I think the other fellow that thinks CCleaner is deleting the entries has the same problem, as i do.

I experienced this today when I included C:\ for Wipe Free Space with MFT.

After Cleaning, I observed no Restore points in both CCleaner and System Restore as well. Just before that I had around 20+ restore points.

- Vasanth

I do not have wipe free space checked, here

I experienced this today when I included C:\ for Wipe Free Space with MFT.

After Cleaning, I observed no Restore points in both CCleaner and System Restore as well. Just before that I had around 20+ restore points.

- Vasanth

This is explained by posts from Willy2 at

I believe Windows is likely to zap all Restore Points when Wipe has filled the drive,

regardless of whether it is wiped by CCleaner or any alternative,

unless of course the Windows operating system and services are locked out whilst the Wipe is in progress.


I just updated CCleaner to version 2.32.1165 and Restore Points are not being listed.

I turned off restore points and restarted and now ccleaner is listing restore points again.

I turned off restore points and restarted and now ccleaner is listing restore points again.

Thanks for the feedback which may well help others.



Thanks for the feedback which may well help others.



What does it mean to "turn off restore points"? Since I installed CC v2.33.1184 I haven't been able to display the restore points and I miss not being able to manage that. When I read this post I was encouraged but I looked around CC and System Restore on my C drive and, other than disabling System Restore and then re-enabling it, I don't know what else could be done. I did do that, but I still am unable to display the restore points in cc.

After i reenabled system restore and created a restore point i was able to view it in CC.

But all old restore points will be gone.

After i reenabled system restore and created a restore point i was able to view it in CC.

But all old restore points will be gone.

I had previously done everything you said except I did not create a restore point. So I turned off system restore, re-enabled it and the created a restore point. Opened up cc and clicked on the system restore button, and waited patiently. Well, nothing showed again. Any other ideas to try?

Did you reboot bluesman?

Does the restore point you created show up in System Restore?

If Not then you have a problem with System restore.

If it does then you have a problem with CC.

Did you reboot bluesman?

No, I did not. So I did this-Not knowing when the right time to reboot would be, I first turned off system restore and rebooted. Then I reactivated system restore, selected a new restore point, verified that the created restore point had, in fact, been created. There was actually two points showing in system restore, one of them the one I created and one that was created when I turned it back on. I then rebooted again. Then I fired up cc and clicked on the system restore button. After waiting patiently, I was again staring at an empty listing. This is a bit disappointing. I really enjoyed having this feature.

And as for Joe's comment, that is not how I see this. Before I upgraded cc to v2.33.1184 this feature worked. After upgrading cc to v2.33.1184 this feature did not work. It is as simple as that. System restore does work and shows restore points. My purpose in generating this dialogue is to let the gurus at cc that there appears to be some sort of bug going on here, one that I have seen talked about here and there through the forums. This tells me that I am not the only one seeing this and you know there are lots of others out there that also see this but aren't telling about it for whatever reason. I am hoping that a real fix is out there and I can get back to managing my restore points.

FYI, in order for CCleaner to show System Restore points, it needs Computer Management/Services and Applications/Services, "DCOM Server Process Launcher" to be running.