Privacy Concern - CCleaner > Advanced > Cookies Deleted List

Hi everyone,

I have a privacy concern to clear up, before to report this post to the bug thread:

Is there an option to clear the list of Cookies to Delete in the CCleaner windows: Options > Cookies > "Cookies to Delete"?

After using CCleaner, the list of the Cookies to Delete remains in the app window. (But yes, they have been cleared from the system, no need to ask).

Here's a print screen to illustrate my question (click on the thumbnail for a full size picture):

Thanks for the feedback

My list gets cleared after I perform a cleaning. I hate to ask but... In the cleaner section is the cookies box checked?

Edit: Running IE8 Beta 2 (should have mentioned that ealier)

To stop all of those tracking cookies and known malware sites then install a HOSTS file.

HOSTS files I use:

Managed with HostsMan and I use its HostsServer proxy to speed up browsing:

My list gets cleared after I perform a cleaning. I hate to ask but... In the cleaner section is the cookies box checked?

Hi Disk4mat,

Thanks for the answer. That's what I was expecting too. But it does not, and yes, of course, cookies are selected in the main windows.

Well, I am on IE 8 Beta 2. However I don't think it is related? Anyone here using CCleaner with IE 8 Beta 2? At least I can rule out an app bug :) . Maybe a possible incompatiblity with this beta browser?

Thanks for your future answers.

Do you mean that you open CC, look at the cookies, run CC, then go back to the cookies page and they're still displayed? My list, like Disk4, is cleared. Are you sure that the cookies have gone?

Or do you you mean that you run CC, close CC, open again and the cookies are still there? The only time I have this is when I leave FF open, but that's obvious and there's a warning message.

Hi Disk4mat,

Thanks for the answer. That's what I was expecting too. But it does not, and yes, of course, cookies are selected in the main windows.

Well, I am on IE 8 Beta 2. However I don't think it is related? Anyone here using CCleaner with IE 8 Beta 2? At least I can rule out an app bug :) . Maybe a possible incompatiblity with this beta browser?

Thanks for your future answers.

Hi admsupport,

There certainly seems to be a "pile" of evidence building that it is related to having IE8 beta2.

You maybe a 'lucky' user because some users are losing all their "cookies".

It would be nice to find out what you are doing in IE8 and those that lose them all are doing.

YoKenny and Disk4mat both have had all their cookies deleted.

Disk4mat has more insight into this than I.

Maybe you can give him an idea of your settings etc in IE8 and post them before he returns.

:) davey

P.S. Just saw Augeas post. You are actually looking in the "Cookies" folder and "all" the cookies are still there. Right ?

Can't confirm on XP SP3 + IE7. After the clean the cookies dialog is totally empty here.


I CAN confirm that using WinXP pro SP3 + IE7 that the "cookies to be deleted" are deleted from the Cookies folder and likewise the "cookies to keep" are kept in the Cookies folder.

CCleaner Options > Cookies will display zero "cookies to delete" and my regular "cookies to keep" list after "running the Cleaner".

:) davey

Thread temporarily suspended. Thanks to all here!

YoKenny general advice are nice, but I don't have much time to edit a host file, and it's out topic anyway.

It was a serious matter to rule out a similar case on someone else's machine. Disk4mat did answer my question, as others after him :) The first step to troubleshoot my system was then to remove CCleaner and to re-install it. It seems to work fine now.

In the first installation, the cookies were removed from the system, only the list was remaining in the CCleaner window, hence, the browser was probably not the direct cause.

Nevertheless, I will try again in a couple of days and get back to the thread.

Hi Disk4mat,

Thanks for the answer. That's what I was expecting too. But it does not, and yes, of course, cookies are selected in the main windows.

Well, I am on IE 8 Beta 2. However I don't think it is related? Anyone here using CCleaner with IE 8 Beta 2? At least I can rule out an app bug :) . Maybe a possible incompatiblity with this beta browser?

Thanks for your future answers.

I run IE8 beta2 on my old PIII and I don't see any of those cookies infesting my system and you don't have to bother editing the HOSTS file from either of the sources that I mention as they just work and it is in topic as you asked how to get rid of them and I offered advice on how to keep them out of your system.

I have resolved the problem of incorrect cookie handling in IE8 beta2 by excluding the correct index.dat file:

Exclude1=FILE|C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Cookies\|index.dat


As always my followup is too little, too late. I should have mentioned I was using IE8 B2 earlier, but now its a non-issue. Glad you got that resolved though.

YoKenny, you have given some valuable information on keeping cookies off your system. Nevertheless, your response IS OFF TOPIC. The topic was the unexpected reaction of CCleaner to deleted cookies -- NOT how to delete cookies.

More than once in the thread it was stated that the cookies HAD BEEN DELETED. The issue was that CCleaner continued to display them in the "Cookies to Delete" pane in the options dialog. Turns out a reinstall of CCleaner fixed the problem.

In future, YoKenny, your valuable insight will be much better received if you EXACTLY target the problem rather than telling us WHAT YOU DO on your system. Please take this advice as it is intended -- constructively.

I run IE8 beta2 on my old PIII and I don't see any of those cookies infesting my system and you don't have to bother editing the HOSTS file from either of the sources that I mention as they just work and it is in topic as you asked how to get rid of them and I offered advice on how to keep them out of your system.

I have resolved the problem of incorrect cookie handling in IE8 beta2 by excluding the correct index.dat file:

Exclude1=FILE|C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Cookies\|index.dat


It seems like you are a designated Moderator on the forum.

Best regards,



It seems like you are a designated Moderator on the forum.

Best regards,


Do not confuse RonR, a new poster, with MrRon a moderator.

Also I have removed your link to another question you have just posted in another area of the forum.

Do not confuse RonR, a new poster, with MrRon a moderator.

Not a confusion, just a compliment.

Also I have removed your link to another question you have just posted in another area of the forum.

So no pointer (link) to re-direct to another question asked elsewhere on the forum?

So no pointer (link) to re-direct to another question asked elsewhere on the forum?

If everyone did that there would be links all over the place.

People will see it anyway, so please, no links pointing to a question asked elsewhere on forum.

If everyone did that there would be links all over the place [...] so please, no links pointing to a question asked elsewhere on forum.

Effectively. Well, sorry about that.

:blink: Is is possible to clear the "cookies to be deleted" list?

Do you mean to prevent CC from ever displaying cookies to delete? Or your list appears to be 'stuck' and dosent clear after cleaning?

We had a topic related to never displaying a lsit:

:blink: So the answer is "no"? CCleaner does not give you the option of deleting the the list called "cookies to be deleted"?

The answer is no? Even uninstalling CCleaner then redownload does not clear the list.

Why would I be deleting the cookies if a list of what has been deleted is kept?

I thought I was getting rid of the tracking cookies.

I really don't care what happens to the cookies. I don't want a list of them. I would like to delete the list.