Numerous cookie threats

Just joined Piriform Forum and have a question regarding Superantispyware scan.

I am running Vista Home Premium 32 bit, Avast 5....,Spywareblaster, Superantispyware and Sandboxie.

I log in and update everything and only go to tech forums like BBS, MajorGeek,Vista,G4 tech support and normal friendly e=mails, so it's not like I am going or opening things that are a threat to my computer.

After I update Superantispyware and run a scan I get 15-20 cookie threats and then need to reboot. What can I do to reduce these threats or is normal in today's computing?

I'm wondering how you have the cookies if you are running your browser sandboxed.

What are the cookies?

Which browser?

I'm wondering how you have the cookies if you are running your browser sandboxed.

What are the cookies?

Which browser?

Running IE8 thru Sanboxie and is there anyway I can paste all the cookies here?

Default home page is Yahoo and sometimes MSN.

Hi born2golf (Love the game, by the way. Used to golf a few times a week. Not any more...too busy. I miss it.)

I also use Sandboxie and SuperAntispyware (free version) and am also curious how/why you are having cookies show up if you are always browsing while sandboxed.

When I do a weekly SAS scan, basically out of habit, it never shows anything. I evenly split my sandboxed browsing time between IE7 and Firefox.

Have you changed any of the settings in the sandbox in which you conduct your browsing?

Edit: I should point out I have XP, not Vista. Somewhat doubtful if that makes a difference here.

Here is the list:

C:\Sandbox\my name\Default Box\user\current\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\\@ 1.interclick[1].txt










then there is one in C:\user\my name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\windows\cookies\\atdnt[2].txt

then 4 after cookies\low\\@ad.wsod[2].txt




This was todays findings which ask me to reboot to remove some of the threats.

Does this have anything to do with the way I have set these up?


Do you completely empty the contents of your sandbox after you finish your browsing sessions and then run SAS?

Superantispyware is showing you which cookies are 'trapped'' in the sandbox while surfing. They are not on your real system.

Empty the sandbox then do a SAS scan and let us know.


cc1 and I hit the button together!!

Superantispyware is showing you which cookies are 'trapped'' in the sandbox while surfing. They are not on your real system.

Empty the sandbox then do a SAS scan and let us know.


cc1 and I hit the button together!!

I guess I don't know how to empty the sandbox as I just ran SAS and got 5 more threats. In Sandboxie Control it shows Sandbox as default and under PID it shows active.

Is there anything under UAC that I need to change? TIA

Close down your browser and then right-click on the little sandboxie icon in the taskbar.

Choose default box.

Then choose delete contents.

Empty it.

I presume you are using the free version of Sandboxie?

I guess I don't know how to empty the sandbox.
Close down your browser and then right-click on the little sandboxie icon in the taskbar.

Choose default box. Then choose delete contents.

Also, if you will always want your sandbox to empty when you are finished browsing, you can configure Sandboxie to do it automatically. Information regarding how to do that is here.

Also, if you will always want your sandbox to empty when you are finished browsing, you can configure Sandboxie to do it automatically. Information regarding how to do that is here.

Finally emptied Sandboxie and configured SB to automatically deleted box. I guess I need to go through all tutorials on Sanboxie so I can better understand the program.

Any other set up tips you have would be appreciated. Thanks for hangning in there with me as I struggle to get this set up correctly.

Finally emptied Sandboxie and configured SB to automatically deleted box. I guess I need to go through all tutorials on Sanboxie so I can better understand the program.

Any other set up tips you have would be appreciated. Thanks for hangning in there with me as I struggle to get this set up correctly.

I would recommend you first walk through their Getting Started Tutorial (there are 6 parts). This will help explain some basic concepts.

Some new users try to jump in quickly with elaborate sandbox configurations. I'm not so sure that's a good idea initially. My opinion is new users should first get familar with the default settings and basic Sandboxie functions...particularly issues such as running their browser sandboxed, Immediate and Quick Recovery, Program View versus Files and Folder View, and sandbox deletion (which you've now mastered!). These are well-covered in the tutorial and having a good understanding of those functions provides a foundation for more advanced configurations.

Edit: Hope the above didn't sound condescending. It wasn't intended as such. There are lots of ways to configure sandboxes. Can you give a bit more information regarding how you intend to use Sandboxie (example, casual web browsing? online banking? test new software?) and whether you have the free or registered version?

I would recommend you first walk through their Getting Started Tutorial (there are 6 parts). This will help explain some basic concepts.

Some new users try to jump in quickly with elaborate sandbox configurations. I'm not so sure that's a good idea initially. My opinion is new users should first get familar with the default settings and basic Sandboxie functions...particularly issues such as running their browser sandboxed, Immediate and Quick Recovery, Program View versus Files and Folder View, and sandbox deletion (which you've now mastered!). These are well-covered in the tutorial and having a good understanding of those functions provides a foundation for more advanced configurations.

Great response as I am guilty of jumping in too quickly. I will take time to go thru the tutorial and get back if I need anymore help. Thanks again for all the assistance!

I'm sorry, but 'numerous cookie threats' conjures up images of repeated harassment by giant biscuits :blink:

Cookies can be easily blocked in the browser and the offending sites can be blocked in the HOSTS file such as advertising sites.

I'm sorry, but 'numerous cookie threats' conjures up images of repeated harassment by giant biscuits :blink:

Too funny, that's hilarious. :lol:

I'm sorry, but 'numerous cookie threats' conjures up images of repeated harassment by giant biscuits :blink:

And your point is? Or is this a sample of your humor!

I would prefer old fashioned do-nuts so I could dunk them in my coffee!

And your point is? Or is this a sample of your humor!

Sorry born2golf, in the absence of anything else useful to add to the thread, that was just my humour I'm afraid ;)

Pass the donuts when you're done :)

Sorry born2golf, in the absence of anything else useful to add to the thread, that was just my humour I'm afraid ;)

Pass the donuts when you're done :)

Please check your mail for the do-nuts. I sent you a baker's dozen last year. They can be microwaved and eaten immediately or used a hockey pucks in the Olympics!

As far as your thread goes.....If you can dish it I can handle it but can you? ha ha I to am absence....................................minded

No 'real' do-nuts for marmite..... born2golf has them sandboxed!!

Aside from all the cookie and donut jokes let's talk about Sandboxie.

Today I ran SAS and picked up 11 adware tracking cookies which directed me to restart. I then went into Sandboxie and deleted all 11 threats most of them are listed above in page 5.

My question is when I go to browse it ask me to log in again to all my favorites is this a normal proceedure? Is there a way in Sandboxie which will delete without having to sign in again?

Is there a way to set up my computer or stop all the same daily threats?