Newbie confused about Cleaners in general.


Can you help me please? I'm very confused about all the cleaners available.

Can you tell me what the difference is between Eraser, CCleaner, Cyberscrub and Easy Cleaner by Toni Arts?

I have read up on the above programs but i'm still confused, do they all do the same thing?

CCleaner comes accross as very easy to use, i'm a newbit-intermediate user :rolleyes:

Thank you for taking the time when you can.

Shannon :)

I think CCleaner is better than all of those programs you listed. easy cleaner can do all of the things CCleaner does and more but It can also harm your pc with things such as the registry cleaner and duplicate file cleaner. I have never used cyberscrub or eraser but they probably do about the same thing. I would stick with CCleaner and abandon the others if you want to be 100% problem free.

which eraser are you refering to...?

What eraser are you talking about agumon? :P


i mean eraser from

Thank you rridgely for the info and for your quick reply.

Shannon :)


Cyberscrub and eraser are not exactly for cleaning a PC, with the intentions of helping speed it up by removing the clutter that accumalates like CCleaner does.

They are for removing files and folders in a secure way rather than just deleting them.

When windows deletes a file, it is not actually deleted, it is marked as free space ready for over writing. All the while it is marked for deletion it can be found by a recovery tool, and even after it has been over written it may still be possible to recover it.

Cyberscrub and eraser over write files, when deleting, many numbers of time to ensure that they are erased beyond recovery. Although I dont think they over write them to recommended standards as some other "shredder" type programs do.

Hope this helped a little bit, and welcome to the forum.

First agumon, now CaPMan. Am I now obsolete? :P

First agumon, now CaPMan. Am I now obsolete? :P

Was that another bit of praising up by Dj?

How could you ever be obsolete? I dread to think what sort of knowledge you will have when you reach my age.

First agumon, now CaPMan. Am I now obsolete? :P

Not obsolete; teaching more people.

Thank you Capman,

It will take me some time to get to know what program to use and how to use it.

I like the idea of CCleaner, it looks simular to Easy Cleaner which i use on my pc but don't go near the registry or duplicates :rolleyes:

What do you think?

Shannon :)

Check this out:

CCleaner vs. Other Disk Cleaners

Thank you Capman,

It will take me some time to get to know what program to use and how to use it.

I like the idea of CCleaner, it looks simular to Easy Cleaner which i use on my pc but don't go near the registry or duplicates :rolleyes:

What do you think?

Shannon :)

I use CCleaner and EasyCleaner, with CCleaner I do everything, with EasyCleaner I do the Registry button, Unnecessary button, and Shortcuts button.

I have been using EasyCleaner for years with no real problems, and CCleaner since last year.

First agumon, now CaPMan. Am I now obsolete? tongue.gif

of coz not... this forum will not be the same without you... :D

I use EasyCleaner as a registry cleaner, it's never caused any problems. But you should stay away from its "Duplicates" scan, reliable sources say it can cripple Windows.

I use EasyCleaner as a registry cleaner, it's never caused any problems. But you should stay away from its "Duplicates" scan, reliable sources say it can cripple Windows.

The only problem that I ever had was when it deleted a registry entry that related to windows help, that was in version 1.7, as soon as the creator realised what he had done he created a fix which could be downloaded from the easycleaner website. this restored the registry entry and all was well again.

The only problem that I ever had was when it deleted a registry entry that related to windows help, that was in version 1.7, as soon as the creator realised what he had done he created a fix which could be downloaded from the easycleaner website. this restored the registry entry and all was well again.

I've never had any problems with the registry cleaner. I haven't tried the duplicates scan though, on MajorGeeks forum one of their experts said it was dangerous, and in the program itself it says much the same thing. Something like, you need specialized knowledge to tell which entries are safe to delete. So I won't touch it.
I've never had any problems with the registry cleaner. I haven't tried the duplicates scan though, on MajorGeeks forum one of their experts said it was dangerous, and in the program itself it says much the same thing. Something like, you need specialized knowledge to tell which entries are safe to delete. So I won't touch it.

I think this is true of any program that cleans out duplicate files, I only ever did it once using system mechanic a long time ago, had to reinstall everything, I learnt my lesson, and have never done it since.

You'll must have been lucky with the registry cleaner. Because I used regseeker once on a win 98 se machine and I had to reinstall windows. Now the only program I let touch my registry is the CCleaner.

You'll must have been lucky with the registry cleaner. Because I used regseeker once on a win 98 se machine and I had to reinstall windows. Now the only program I let touch my registry is the CCleaner.

I run easycleaner's registry cleaner on various machines once a week and never have problems, this is in addition to running CCleaner numerous times a day.