Smart Cleaning is not enabled. CCleaner is not set to run when computer starts. Still though, after closing CCleaner, it remains running in the System Tray.
Windows 10 Version 2004 OS build 19041.610
Alienware 15R4
Smart Cleaning is not enabled. CCleaner is not set to run when computer starts. Still though, after closing CCleaner, it remains running in the System Tray.
Windows 10 Version 2004 OS build 19041.610
Alienware 15R4
I just noticed that it keeps enabling Smart Cleaning on its own every time I reopen it.
I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling CCleaner. It enabled Smart Cleaner on its own after I closed it. Now, it wont let me disable it at all.
I had to disable "Tell me when there are junk files to clean" in order to get it to let me disable Smart Cleaning again, but still, it re-enables it after I close the program.
I'm not into "smart" water, never wanted to own a "smart" TV, get this "smart" Ccleaner out of here or I'll be moving on from our 13 year relationship.
Hi markfleener, there is a bug here.
If you don't want Smart Cleaning enabled, uncheck all checkboxes on that screen and then switch off 'automatic updates' on the Update screen. We'll patch it in the next day or so.
There is also a .dmp file created in the installation folder of CCleaner sometimes when the app is closed from the system tray.
The dump file is a different issue and likely not introduced in this version. It's to do with something not being closed down correctly, but it's nothing to worry about.
40 minutes ago, Stephen CCleaner said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <p> The dump file is a different issue and likely not introduced in this version. It's to do with something not being closed down correctly, but it's nothing to worry about. </p> </div>
I dont recall seeing it on the previous version, and once disabling the AutoUpdate new feature, it no longer creates a dump file once closing the program, nor does it create an event viewer error entry anymore, hence im pretty convinced its coming from this release.
4 hours ago, Stephen CCleaner said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <p> The dump file is a different issue and likely not introduced in this version. It's to do with something not being closed down correctly, but it's nothing to worry about. </p> </div>
I can confirm that the new version constantly creates .dmp files. If CCleaner is closed immediately after the cleanup, a .dmp file is almost always created. Even if "automatic updates" is disabled.
Edit: Looks like the bug is already known and will be corrected in the next version.
3 hours ago, APMichael said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <p> I can confirm that the new version constantly creates .dmp files. If CCleaner is closed immediately after the cleanup, a .dmp file is almost always created. Even if "automatic updates" is disabled. </p> <p> <u><strong>Edit:</strong></u> Looks like the bug is already known and will be corrected in the next version. </p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" data-controller="core.front.core.autosizeiframe" data-embedauthorid="77603" data-embedcontent="" data-embedid="embed2366583072" scrolling="no" src="<___base_url___>/topic/59488-ccleaner-574-causing-errors-in-wndows-event-viewer/?tab=comments&do=embed&comment=324795&embedComment=324795&embedDo=findComment#comment-324795" style="height:294px;max-width:502px;"></iframe> </div>
I can confirm 26 dmp files created from the new version and Enable Smart Cleaning keeps checking itself back on no matter how many times I uncheck it and it is persistant in my system tray/taskbar even after closing. It's even starting with Windows and that option is also unchecked! This version is bugged all to HELL please fix this. I have used CCleaner for years and nothing this annoying has ever happened before!!!
1 minute ago, Zeikar said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> Enable Smart Cleaning keeps checking itself back on no matter how many times I uncheck it </p> </div>
To recap in previous notes from this thread and a couple of others:
Hi, all. This latest version of ccleaner is full of issues as many have stated. I uninstalled it and reinstalled the previous version 5.73. Hopefully the version after 5.74 will fix everything. Been a long time user and don't want to have to ditch it.
Hey Mcd73165 ! Rest assured we will iron out these bugs in our next release.
Ah so the new AutoUpdate feature simply means the application will stay in the system tray and notify you when an update is available.
I initially thought that it would close, but once opened, it will automatically update without the need to open the website (sort of in-application update).
Edit: Oh wait, it was just updated within the application for Free edition. Nice work!
On 10/11/2020 at 17:04, Dave CCleaner said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <p> To recap in previous notes from this thread and a couple of others: </p> <ul><li> This is a known bug to be corrected shortly with a patch release that will ensure that Smart Cleaning stays off when unchecked. </li> <li> You can work around it temporarily by switching off all options in Options > Smart Cleaning and also the automatic updates in Options > Updates. </li> <li> <strong>After the patch release, using automatic updates without smart cleaning on will still leave CCleaner persistent in the tray (consuming around 5MB of memory as it waits for the next update) but without popping up to let you know proactively when there is stuff to clean.</strong> </li> </ul></div>
What "settings bug" is supposed to be fixed in the latest CCleaner v5.74.8198 (rel. 11-Nov-2020)? The release notes at only state that "this version received a small patch update (v5.74.8198) to fix a settings bug. This patch update will be applied automatically unless automatic updates have been disabled".
Was v5.74.8198 supposed to fix the Smart Cleaning / Auto Update bug described in the 09-Nov-20202 thread CCleaner 5.74 Causing Errors in Windows Event Viewer? I've seen a few users who updated from the previous v5.74.8184 (rel. 09-Nov-2020) to v5.74.8198 report that they are still seeing CCleaner64.exe APPCRASH errors and .dmp files accumulating on their hard drive (see APMichael's 11-Nov-2020 post in v5.74 occasional dmp-files for one example) so I'm not sure what bug v5.74.8198 was supposed to fix.
64-bit Win 10 Pro v1909 build 18363.1139 * Firefox 82.0.3 * Windows Defender v4.18.2010.7 * Malwarebytes Free v4.2.3.96-1.0.1104 * CCleaner Portable v5.72.7994
Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U@1.60/1.80 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>
We've fixed the issue where the Smart Cleaning could be turned off by toggling the Automatic Updates setting. This means CCleaner should only run in the background if either Autoupdates or Smart Cleaning (or both) are enabled. We deemed this the more serious bug so we fixed this first.
The dump issue will take a bit more time to resolve, but it is under investigation. The dump files are not particularly large but when we apply that fix we will clean up any dumps generated.
17 minutes ago, Stephen CCleaner said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <p> We've fixed the issue where the Smart Cleaning could be turned off by toggling the Automatic Updates setting. This means CCleaner should only run in the background if either Autoupdates or Smart Cleaning (or both) are enabled. We deemed this the more serious bug so we fixed this first. </p> <p> The dump issue will take a bit more time to resolve, but it is under investigation. The dump files are not particularly large but when we apply that fix we will clean up any dumps generated. </p> </div>
Hi Stephen CCleaner:
Thank you for the clarification.?
I've installed v5.74.8198 on two different computers today. Both still had the issue of CCleaner still loading in the system tray when the user profile boots up.
I've noticed for it to work correctly, you have to uncheck the box "Tell me when there are junk files to clean" and THEN uncheck "Enable Smart Cleaning" and THEN select Yes to disable.
If you go the opposite direction, unchecking "Enable Smart Cleaning" first you never get the "Disable Smart Cleaning" popup, you then cannot uncheck "Tell me when..." You have click on a different menu, then click back to the "Smart Cleaning" tab, and then you can uncheck "Tell me when..." BUT, even though both options are unchecked, CCleaner will still load at the next boot because Smart Cleaning is still enabled.
So anyway, don't start unchecking with "Enable Smart Cleaning". Once you start with unchecking "Tell me when..." and then unchecking "Enable...", only then you'll get the "Disable Smart Cleaning" Yes/No popup and will then be disabled and won't load with the user profile.
EDIT: BTW, my automatic update setting is disabled too.