I am mad - I do not have time for this! I have been hijacked!
I just updated to CCleaner v5.59. Upon opening Windows Explorer I see that all my Adobe Acrobat documents (.pdf) have been changed to "CCleaner HTML Document"
I can no longer open a PDF to show in Acrobat from Windows Explorer !!!!!!!!!!
The document opens as a webpage - I can't have this!
Now I've learned that my Snagit Editor does not work!
On your PC do you have Adobe Acrobat installed? Or were you opening PDF files in a web browser? If the latter then opening up the PDF files should continue to display them in a web browser as usual?
Installer screenshot below. Until we've properly integrated CCleaner Browser access into the CCleaner console, we're recycling the "third party offer" screens (even though it's a "first party" optional feature). The checkbox layout of those screens has never been particularly popular - but it's what we've got to work with until the new installer design with the yes/no layout is finished, hopefully only a couple of updates away.
Still technically in preview while we iron out a few little kinks there are some goodies in there that make it worth a look - such as the native Adblocking, Anti-Phishing, Anti-Tracking (for sites that respect Do Not Track) and Anti-Fingerprinting (for the sites that don't). There's quite a few more features coming down the pipe over the coming weeks that should be of particular interest to folks interested in performance and privacy.
As long as those boxes are pre-ticked than as the old song says - "There may be trouble ahead..."
I don't see why it should be a big issue to have them unticked, it should just be a simple change to remove the word 'checked' from a couple of lines of the code.
Of course, that's if you want to change it - which I guess is down to company policy.
After I remedied the app file associations, I later found that any PDF that I downloaded and attempted to save would be saved as a CCleaner HTML Document.
The remedy was to uninstall CCleaner Browser................
I do not like that CCleaner is doing this to what used to be PDF downloads. I guess I will have to uninstall CCleaner on my Windows 7 desktop until I have been notified that this issue has been resolved. Sad that a tool that I have used for years has this issue.
You may only need to uninstall the CCleaner Browser if it does this to your PDF downloads. If you do not have the same issue, no action is necessary.
Note: CCleaner optimization tool otherwise works great. It only converted the file associations of PDFs on my system at the time of download of Version: v5.59.7230 (64-bit).
This was corrected by one-time doing of the following:
On 7/12/2019 at 07:19, MB Sprinter said:
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<a href="https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-change-file-associations-in-windows-2624477" rel="external nofollow">https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-change-file-associations-in-windows-2624477</a>
<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Windows Settings/Apps/Default apps/<strong style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#101010;font-size:16px;text-align:left;">Choose default apps by file type </strong></strong></span>
<span style="font-size:14px;">scroll down to locate file extension (.pdf) to find it associated with CCleaner HTML</span>
change association to <strong>Adobe Acrobat</strong>
For non-Acrobat users, PDF files would be associated with a browser - and it would be standard behaviour for a browser to open browser files that a user wants to open in a browser.
But where there is an association with a desktop app - that's indeed a bug.
(It is not uncommon for other browsers, apps, Windows, etc to put associations where users may not want them - something something feature ... but nah - it's a bug in all the apps that do it)
Dev team is on the case and currently working on a solution that still works for the typical user (who will always want to read PDFs in a browser) while not creating annoyances for folks who have them associated with their preferred desktop app.
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Thank you for the clarification. This, I did not know ....... info beyond my technical knowledge ....<img alt="B)" data-emoticon="1" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_cool.png" title="B)">.
I am confident the Dev Team is on it - no complaints here.
(I don't typically get involved in forums - I will bow out now and leave it up to the experts.)
You are certainly welcome to stick around. And more than welcome to post complaints and feedback (especially with details and screenshots). That's how we improve, particularly with new products.
And don't worry about being less technical - our products should be tools for both technical and non-technical users to do what they need to do ... and if they're not, then letting us know gives us more opportunities for improvement. :-)
So this happened to me too and I deleted the browser, now all my pdf's are switched from adobe. I am not very technical, sigh, so how do I get them back the way they were originally?
Similar example - I want my jpeg files to always open in Photoshop, but MS Photos has the file association for some reason. There are a couple of ways to do it. My usual is to right-click on the file, select "Open With" then "Choose Another App". If your app is not on the list then click "More Apps" to find it.
Make sure to check the "Always use the app to open" box. Click OK and you're done! (With no need to uninstall whatever software had the association)
Additional reading for interested parties from the Adobe forums about other browsers doing the same kind of thing: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2275519. Since our objective is to produce a browser that is better than other browsers, this has been a good feedback thread - thanks everyone.
Same thing happened to me. This is not funny. Uninstalling CCleaner forever. Ain't got time for rude installs that disable basic computer functionality. Not to hard to fix this time... but what about next time I reinstall?
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Same thing happened to me. This is not funny. Uninstalling CCleaner forever. Ain't got time for rude installs that disable basic computer functionality. Not to hard to fix this time... but what about next time I reinstall?
The browser is only being offered to a limited number of users at this time. If you reinstall CCleaner on the same computer you are unlikely to be offered it. If you are, then you can elect not to install the browser. As mentioned above, based on user feedback a change is being worked on at the moment for Adobe Acrobat users to make the CCleaner Browser more polite than other browsers when it comes to file associations.