
The freeware JkDefrag application was just released to v. 3.6. This disk defragment and optimize utility for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/X64 is better and better after resolved some bugs in Screen Save version.

  • Screen Save method: very interesting and useful attribute. By this the users don't need worry about forget anymore the defragmentation. It is made automatically when screensaver is activate.

  • GUI: like config.exe'Sysinternals app. (with PowerDefragmenterGUI) now JkDefrag has the JkDefragGui (don't needed to know the commandline options). It can to be downloaded from the Home Page - even as the recent German and French'versions.

P.S.: I knew this utility in a fredvries'post. Thanks for that fredvries.


I second that notion! JkDefrag is the best free defragmentor/optimizer you can find. The new optional GUI makes it easy to use various command line options. I use both JkDefrag and Contig on a daily basis.

Is this better than Diskeeper 10?

I had intalled the version of Diskkeeper Lite v9 that's included in the Intel tools download. I think that installed a service, and started up at Windows (probably so that you could perform some sort of disk indexing with the program). I just stopped the service. It's a nice program, but I'm not keen on any other program that installs a service other than an AV program or Firewall.

Has anyone tried this?


It's gotten pretty good reviews at Download.com

Is this better than Diskeeper 10?

It is much better than Diskeeper. Not only is JkDefrag only a fraction of the size (its only ONE file), it also defragments the drive as well as any program out there. Furthermore, it goes a step beyond that by optimizing the drive so that it runs faster (moving data to different places on the drive). For more info on that optimization, go here: JkDefrag

Has anyone tried this?


It's gotten pretty good reviews at Download.com

I like it. Very fast.

Has anyone tried this?

Auslogics Disk Defrag seems work nicely. You can see this topic. However it don't work in the background or in stand by and don't optimize the disk by moving the folders/files.

Is this better than Diskeeper 10?

TreeJay3800 posted about. I never tried Diskeeper - I like freeware... B) It uses real-time defrag, true background processing. Don't make a data movement to optimize; if you like a real time defrag you can try the freeware IObit SmartDefrag (still BETA). To the common user like me the Screen Saver method from JkDefrag is enough - and I don't need to download 14 MB to defragment my drive (and to pay for that...).

I use both JkDefrag and Contig on a daily basis.

I like also Contig (and PowerDefragmenterGUI) from Mark Russinovich.

JkDefrag add a real optimization and it is a apt defrag program! And the Screen Saver option is a corroboration from a intelligent and sagacious programmer.

The congratulations for him!


I've been trying this out for past couple of days and am very impressed, so much so I've uninstalled DirMS (which I've been singing the praises of for a while). It also has a promising looking future - was browsing the JK forum and some kind of ordering of files to provide further optimisation is being considered for the future:

At the moment JkDefrag only defragments and optimizes, and does not order the files because my first goal was to make it as fast as possible for daily use. But I am certainly planning to add optimization modes that will order the files.

There are many strategies to ordering files. The alphabetical ordering is one, and is a very good strategy. Others are for example ordering by last access date or last modification date, ordering by size, or ordering by boot access sequence, like Windows Vista does.

I don't know about you all but I leave all of my desktops on 24-7. Probably 16 hours a day they are on the screensaver, so having the hd defragged everytime the screensaver comes up seems like unneeded work on the hard drive.

I've never been one to defrag my pcs all that often anyway.(at most once every 3 months or so.)

Its true you see some performance increase from defragging but I don't think you see any noticable difference in defragging every day or once a month or once every 2-3 months. Maybe I'm wrong but its never seemed to make that much of a difference.

Defragging every day seems to be way too often. I think once every month or two is often enough, depending are you installing/uninstalling lot of programs. Of course if you defrag i.e. every day or once a week, there's no lot of fragmentation, so the hard drive is not under heavy use during defrag process, which is generally better for the drive than defragging heavely fragmented drives.

Auslogics Disk Defrag seems work nicely. You can see this topic. However it don't work in the background or in stand by and don't optimize the disk by moving the folders/files.

TreeJay3800 posted about. I never tried Diskeeper - I like freeware... B) It uses real-time defrag, true background processing. Don't make a data movement to optimize; if you like a real time defrag you can try the freeware IObit SmartDefrag (still BETA). To the common user like me the Screen Saver method from JkDefrag is enough - and I don't need to download 14 MB to defragment my drive (and to pay for that...).

I like also Contig (and PowerDefragmenterGUI) from Mark Russinovich.

JkDefrag add a real optimization and it is a apt defrag program! And the Screen Saver option is a corroboration from a intelligent and sagacious programmer.

The congratulations for him!


I use Diskkeeper 10 and its great, it has graphs and shows the volume of fragmentation on the drive, as far as they 30 day trial goes, all you have to do is uninstall/reinstall on the 29'th day, or before it ends. Its really great, I really notice alot of increase in speed after using it and its very fast. I only have an 80Gig hard drive tho so of course it can breeze through that like its nothing.

As far as Iobit goes, I use theyre windows care utility, its great and I think it should be an essential tool on everyones puter. I dont like smart defrag though because it has a bug that wont allow the pc to shut down the program (lets say for a reboot). The pc will just freeze until you manually close the program. They have recognized this on the forums and have yet to fix it (since the last time I used it). Also, I play games on my pc, not very intense games but games nonetheless, and I find that Auto defrag interferes with some games and makes them very laggy. I know this is because its doing its job but I find Diskkeeper is much less laggy than Iobit's tool. Dont get me wrong its a nice tool, and with some work, I bet the final version will be very nice.

I must admit that I very much like JKdefrag. I have their forum bookmarked. I like the fact that you can easily talk directly with the developer if there are any issues. Some above posts mentioned that they think using the screensaver as a defrag is overkill which I disagree with. It's not as if you are defragging your entire drive every time the screesaver launches, just files that have become fragmented since the last times. It takes me an average of thirty seconds per partition because my drive is in good shape. Also, there are settings that you can use to control how often the screensaver defrags. I used to use MST Software Defrag HE, and really liked that too. But this way there are no processes running in the background that take up resources, it's working while the screensaver is on. With htis I can make sure my disk is in good shape without any hastle, without large programs, and without needing to devote hours to defragging.

how about xp default defrager, I dont defrag my disk frequently (mostly by year), is the speed of these recommended defragers much faster than this old fella?

how about xp default defrager, I dont defrag my disk frequently (mostly by year), is the speed of these recommended defragers much faster than this old fella?

JkDefrag is not commercial, but its MUCH faster than the included Windows defragger. As mentioned above, it also does more than just defrag the drive too.

Does that JkDefrag need as much free space for degragging than i.e. Diskeeper?

Some above posts mentioned that they think using the screensaver as a defrag is overkill which I disagree with. It's not as if you are defragging your entire drive every time the screesaver launches, just files that have become fragmented since the last times. It takes me an average of thirty seconds per partition because my drive is in good shape. Also, there are settings that you can use to control how often the screensaver defrags.

Do you honestly think your seeing a performance increase by defragging your files every time the screensaver is up? Its been pretty much proven that defragging you hard drive chronically does nothing but wear it out. Sure if its not defragging the whole drive than its probably not doing any harm but its also not doing any good. I know you like it because you don't have to wait long to defrag but it just seems like overkill and potentially problem causing. Of course we each have our own opinions. :D

That auslogics program is pretty nice. One of my desktops has a 200 gig hd and its about 75% full, the program defragged it in probably 30 minutes or less. Much faster than the built in windows one, thats for sure. :D

I guess I just don't see the point to using any other program. Here are it's upsides: 1. It only requires at most if you use all three versions of the program 800k, 2. It defrags when I'm not using my system anyway, 3. I don't have to wait to use my system; just move the mouse and I'm ready to go, 4. I can talk directly with the developer, 5. It's constantly updated, and oh yeah, 6. It's free.

Sure if its not defragging the whole drive than its probably not doing any harm but its also not doing any good.

So if you think it's doing no good nor no harm, why not use it for the reasons I mentioned above. There are other resources to me that are valuable; ie. hard drive space. Every other defragger you could come up with required more space than that, which the exception of horrible ones like Contig and Buzzsaw. At this point, it just doesn't make sense you use anything else. Yes, as you might have guessed, I am very much a fan of command-line driven apps.

I am loving this JkDefrag program, I have been using it for a couple of months now, and put it on as many computers as I can. I am sure it makes a big difference to the computers compared with other defraggers.

I am not obsessive with it though, I don't use the screensaver option, but I have been running it once a week or so.

Do you honestly think your seeing a performance increase by defragging your files every time the screensaver is up? Its been pretty much proven that defragging you hard drive chronically does nothing but wear it out. Sure if its not defragging the whole drive than its probably not doing any harm but its also not doing any good.

How does running a defragger every day wear out the drive? I run JkDefrag every night before I turn the PC off and it only takes about 4 mins. Is this really hurting the drive?