some how i screwed up my IE7 beta 2 uninstall key with CCleaner. and now i cant uninstall it. is there anyway to fix this? or am i stuck with it? is it possible at all to reinstall IE6 to a different location so i can use it instead? i really need my IE6 back, IE7 wont open my XML docs. sorry theres alot of questions...but any answers would be VERY VERY helpful =) thanks
some how i screwed up my IE7 beta 2 uninstall key with CCleaner. and now i cant uninstall it. is there anyway to fix this? or am i stuck with it? is it possible at all to reinstall IE6 to a different location so i can use it instead? i really need my IE6 back, IE7 wont open my XML docs. sorry theres alot of questions...but any answers would be VERY VERY helpful =) thanks
Welcome sn-fred
Umm, yes and no. If you used the "hotfix uninstaller" option in CCleaner then CCleaner did remove the IE7 uninstaller. The uninstaller for IE7 is a hotfix uninstaller.
No one here is using IE7, except for some new comers. You really should use FF anyway for better security.
There are some suggestions in the following threads that may be helpful.
Good Luck!
i looked at those threads, and i cant use system restore (i had some virus and other junk embedded in it) , and also i tried to do a repair installation, but it says it cant do it. it says its already installed and to uninstall it. i use firefox, but i thought id try out IE7 just to check it out, but i need IE6 for my XML stuff it wont open in firefox. is there at least another program that i can open my msn XML stuff in? is there an eqivalent of XPLite thats free?... jeez i ask alot of questions...sorry.
i looked at those threads, and i cant use system restore (i had some virus and other junk embedded in it) , and also i tried to do a repair installation, but it says it cant do it. it says its already installed and to uninstall it. i use firefox, but i thought id try out IE7 just to check it out, but i need IE6 for my XML stuff it wont open in firefox. is there at least another program that i can open my msn XML stuff in? is there an eqivalent of XPLite thats free?... jeez i ask alot of questions...sorry.
LOL - Lots of questions are okay. It's the best way to not do something wrong.
There should be a free trial version of XPLite thats free. Also, something went wrong if you couldn't do a repair installation. I think that you did something wrong if it told you to uninstall.
msn XML won't open in FF? I don't know what you mean. What is msn XML stuff?
Sorry...I ask a lot of questions
by msn XML stuff i mean like, the message history. i was looking at your advice for getting rid of it with the VB script stuff but i keep getting errors with the VBScript. my friend is installing IE7 and says theyll send me the %windir%\$NtUninstallie7bet2p$ file, but i dont even know if that will work being i dont know how to get to that file...heh...well..i dunno what to pretty confused.
(u gotta save the image and zoom sorry its flippin small..)
Okay, I will be back later. I can tell you how to replace the IE7 uninstaller if your friend can't get it to you.
I couldn't read your picture, but I think that it said something about a script error. I will look again later. Sorry, guests are arriving at my house right now.
its alright i understand =) have fun
Okay, I have a few minutes. People are on a beer run.
In this thread follow the instructions in Post #8.
After doing that you will have IE6, but IE6 will act a little buggy. So, reinstall IE7. This will recreate the IE7 uninstaller. Then you can do a clean uninstall of IE7.
Did I explain that clearly? If not let me know.
One more thing. After reverting to IE6 reboot. After reinstalling IE7 reboot. After uninstalling IE7 reboot.
". Now click on this link. Scroll down to line 29, and click on "Run Command - Reinstalling Internet Explorer"."
i didd that but the VBScript has an error here it is...i tried yelling at it, but i had no success...
Script: C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff\Desktop\IE stuff\xp_run_ie_setup.vbs
Line: 7
Char: 1
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method: 'WshShell.Run'
Code: 800A01B6
Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Well....What happened?
Did you kick it? j/k
Honestly, if you download that link and it still doesn't work...then I am clueless as to what your next step would be.
DjLizard would be needed to fix that before you could continue with the other instructions.
no i havent kicked it yet although im pretty close to it. i think my computer takes enough verbal abuse though . i still get that error, i unzipped that to my desktop (i didnt really know where else to unzip it to) and i still get the error after i clicked it to install it. also wen i go to install its all....blank like and..yea i dunno man..whos DjLizard?
i think this might be the source of my problem i dunno why i didnt think of this being the prob. too since it comes up is being..for lack of a better word and excuse my language, a bastard.
heres what it says
Symantec script blocking has prevented a script action that could be harmful to you.
Application: WScript.exe
Source file: C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff\Desktop\IE stuff\xp_run_ie_setup.vbs
Object: Windows Script Host Shell Object
Method: Run
the only issue being i shut off ALL my symantec stuff so i didnt think it shuld be bothering this..but i dont probly an idiot for not saying this earlier..
no i havent kicked it yet although im pretty close to it. i think my computer takes enough verbal abuse though
. i still get that error, i unzipped that to my desktop (i didnt really know where else to unzip it to) and i still get the error after i clicked it to install it. also wen i go to install its all....blank like and..yea i dunno man..whos DjLizard?
That's strange. You have something funky going on with your computer.
DjLizard is a PC Tech who helps on the forum quite often. He is also the author of dial-a-fix (DAF) that is in my sig. I'll tell him to look at this thread.
When you download it you will be asked to save or run VB. Try choosing run. That way it will automatically go where it needs to. Do you know what I mean?
ok ill try choosing run and see what happens, and thanks for telling me who DjLizard is, i was quite confused when i saw his name in other posts.
Download Dial-a-fix full ( extract it to a folder on your desktop. Double click Dial-a-fix.exe. Checkmark the first checkmark in box #1, and all 5 checkmarks in box #5 and then click GO.
Then click the Tools button, choose Repair/reinstall IE, and click GO on that dialog. It will prompt you for files from your Windows installation CD (most are located in i386 on the CD).
Some of the files may not be found in i386 on your XP CD, and it will prompt you for them. After successfully pointing the dialog to one file, it will most likely immediately ask you for another. You can find them in any of the following locations (just keep trying each location for each file until it continues and asks you for more files) :
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft\TextConv
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\SIGNUP
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\MUI
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft\MSInfo
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer
i tried the run thing it didnt do anything.
Another note: is that a 2006 Norton/Symantec product? If so, Dial-a-fix > Tools > Repair permissions (just for good measure)
i keep getting some error on this..really frustrating me
there was an error while regerstering the object C:\WINDOWS\system32\iesetup.dll (with flag(s): "/s /i ")
this was most likely caused by a corrupt object or missing/corrupt dependancy. if you recieved an error about a missing file/module it mean that the file cannot be registered (missing dependancy, or sould not be registered)
the generic Win32 error returned (which is not the same as the RegSvr32 error code) is: the system cannot open the file.
Win32 error code 4
would you like to run the registration again without the silent flag? this will allow you to see the true RegSvr32 error code. you can then report it to a tech if nessacery
iesetup.dll was loaded but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found
this file cannot be registered
Dial-a-fix is not keen on IE7 yet (don't worry though, it won't cause any harm), so I will add a check for iesetup.dll (note that nothing is wrong with your system, and that error is generated because Microsoft has changed that DLL to where it is no longer registerable). So basically, ignore that part. The rest will go on as normal. Continue forth. Try the IE Repair/reinstall tool now, or that VBS thing you were trying to do before.
i cant even click on the tools section umm yea...and i tried the VB thing again (it works now!!) but uhh i need SP2 cd all i hav is SP1.. i hav SP2 downloaded on my computer though if i run that will it do the same thing?