Help needed with Windows media player


As said in topic I need help with my windows media player (11) basically it doesn't work, for mp3 files it doesn't play sound for wmv I don't get picture or sound and on AVI I get picture and no sound, recently websites have stopped recognising my WMP plug-in for firefox and when I do view videos online using IE 7 I often just get sound and no picture, so in essence nothing works as it should. I have tried rolling back the installation then reinstalling but unfortunately it doesn't seem possible to full remove WMP for a clean reinstall due to it being a windows component, I'm guessing its missing or broken codecs but I have no idea how to fix these, please help.

--Misc. Info--

Windows XP SP2

Dell dimension 5100

Pentium 4 CPU 3 GHz

1.5 GB RAM

if any more information would be useful please just ask for it :)

Do you get any error messages at all when you try to play avi files or mp3 files?

Also a lttle read here may give you a few clues

Do you get any error messages at all when you try to play avi files or mp3 files?

Nope I don't get any error messages it seems to think its working as it should despite its blatantly not doing so.

I dont think anyone is reading this but I have reinstalled all codecs and still no change

Have you contacted Dell support?

Have you tried the Dell forum?

Try Sherlock to find broken codecs

Maybe try uninstalling version 11, then install 10, reboot, uninstall 10, reinstall 11. reboot

Do alternative directshow players play the files that won't play in wmp? Be sure to temporarily disable any internal filters etc. on the player (MPC, Zoom, etc.)

Try playing the files in the old 6.4 wmp (Run->mplayer2)

Well it seems I have no broken codecs according to sherlock. I did what you suggested and rolled back to WMP10 (which also didn't work) and then reinstalling WMP11 but it didn't have any effect. I often use other player such as winamp and iTunes these don't fix or display the problems them selves. Interestingly the 6.4 WMP worked but how can I carry this over to WMP 11?

I belive this to be my Problem (I receive no error messages) I have followed their steps and still no change.

Have you tried the Dell forum?

No I haven't yet but I will now

install k-lite mega codec pack, maybe it'll jar something

Does the event log show anything about wmp while trying to play files?

install k-lite mega codec pack, maybe it'll jar something

Does the event log show anything about wmp while trying to play files?

No that didn't work, and what event log?

Just throwing you out a bone here and although it doesn't fix the WMP 11 issue you could try VLC Media Player. VLC Media Player doesn't need any installed codecs to work properly, and even stuff it doesn't have registered as a file type can be dragged onto it and it may play it.

Control panel->administrative tools->event viewer

look at the 'application' possibly the 'internet explorer' or 'system' areas for any wmp errrors during attempted playback times, if found right click->properties for more info. maybe it'll produce some type of error code.

In applications I have a lot of errors from "MsiInstaller"

In security nothing of interest

In system I have a lot of errors from "Service control manager"

In ACEEventLog Nothing of interest

And internet explorer is blank which isn't a surprise because I use Firefox (yay firefox 3)

In applications I have a lot of errors from "MsiInstaller"

In security nothing of interest

In system I have a lot of errors from "Service control manager"

In ACEEventLog Nothing of interest

And internet explorer is blank which isn't a surprise because I use Firefox (yay firefox 3)

I investigate MsiInstaller errors as that means an install failed

Security usually has nothing of interest but my XP Home system accumulates a lot of those events but the XP Pro system does not

Service control manager errors should be investigated

Application error events should be investigated if they occur

Internet Explorer events always seem to be blank even though I use IE7

I like Event Log Explorer:

Why not copy-n-paste an error event from the MsiInstaller failure here.

By the way Google will provide lots of information on Event log entries.

sorry I made a mistake there the MsiIstaller is showing warnings not errors

sorry I made a mistake there the MsiIstaller is showing warnings not errors

Please post an example.

By the way, do you see UPHClean events?

Type: Information

Date: 6/18/2008

Time: 3:07:47 AM

Event: 1001

Source: UPHClean

Category: None

User: N/A

Computer: IBMKS1


User profile hive cleanup service version started successfully.

attached is a screenshot



Can you right-click on the 1001 and 1004 event error and copy what it says about each. I'm sure Yokenny will find this useful.

Meanwhile have a peek here at your errors

If you follow the link under remarks for your event id, it gives a tiny bit more info on why this might happen.

ok as requested here are the properties of both 1001 and 1004





A thread here about this although I don't know if this has anything to do with your WMP11 problem

unfortunately that's a dead thread and the problem doesn't seem to have been resolved in that case