CCleaner removes Office recent-file list

I am using Win7 with the Clasic Start Menu and Office 2010. I have Word and Excel listed in the Start Menu. When one clicks on either the Word or Excel icon, the Pinned and Recent Documents are listed, ready for selection. When I run CCleaner, the Recent Documents are removed from the list, but not the Pinned Documents. The Recent Documents however, are not removed from the listing within the program.

Is there any way that I can prevent CCleaner from purging the Start menu lists?


To keep Recent Documents:

1. Open CCleaner.

2. Look in: Cleaner > Windows (Tab) > Windows Explorer

3. Untick/disable: Recent Documents

I have it unchecked. The recent files are not removed within the Word or Excel programs' recent file lists. They are only removed from the recent-file listing in the Classic StartMenu.

also in the Windows Explorer section, untick Run (in Start Menu) and Other Explorer MRUs

Have them unchecked. Same results. Recent documents except those pinned are removed.

What version of CCleaner are you using, build 4.10?

What happens if you don't use Classic view ? (just as a test)

The problem occurs with both Classic and Standard Win7 views. I upgraded to build 4.10.

I ran CCleaner with all the selections under Windows and Applications unchecked. The Recent Documents list was not removed during this test. I'll have to experiment to find out what selection is the culprit. Will keep you informed.

The Windows / Windows Explorer / Taskbar Jump Lists is the culprit. The Recent Documents list was not removed when this selection was unchecked. What are the Taskbar Jump Lists?

Thanks everyone for your help.

Jump Lists are when you pin a program to the Taskbar and right click on it, that list is called a Jump List.

It shows recent items and you can pin things to the list.

in my post #4, I also have Taskbar Jump List unticked but didn't mention it as I didn't think there was a connection - now I know.

as you have discovered, that list is obviously tied in with the Recent Docs list.

Hi everyone. My problem is similar but different. When I run CCleaner, it removes the recents from Office 2010. I don't recall it doing this till the last few months, but it's a nuisance.

I don't see any options to choose to clean Office of say its temp files, but leave the recents list intact. Am I missing something?


should be the same as mentioned in the above posts.

in the Windows tab, untick Recent Documents, Other Explorer MRU's, and Taskbar Jump Lists.

that should keep your recent list.

in Application tab, tick the Office entry relating to your installed version and that should clean those temp files.

I'm using WinVista, MS Office 2007, and ccleaner v4.11.4619. Frankly, no matter what I do, when I use ccleaner, after I reopen any Office product, my recent documents are gone. This has never worked for me in ccleaner, so it's not a version issue. I must be misunderstanding something.

In ccleaner Windows I have Recent Documents, Run (in Start Menu), and Other Explorer MRUs unchecked, and in Applications, I have the Office products checked . What am I doing wrong?


also make sure Taskbar Jump Lists are also unticked.

MTA, thank you for the quick response. I did see that you had put that, but I don't see TJL listed under either the Windows or Applications tabs. I've attached a screen shot of my Windows tab for your reference.



Sorry, I'm a ****

Jump Lists were only introduced in Win7 & 8 and I just picked up on where you state you have Vista.


You say you have Office product checked under Application, should that not be unchecked so Office is NOT included???

~possibly offensive word removed my moderator

Ok, so I have to uncheck Office in Applications to keep the MRUs. Then there is no way to clean Office temp files, etc.?

You can analyze just the office section (after opening a document in office) of ccleaner (right click the office listing, choose analyze) in the resulting list you'll see an obvious location of the recent opens. Now go to ccleaner's options go to exclude/include create a new folder exclude and choose the location discovered in the previous step.

Nergal is correct.

Leave the Office product checked and add an EXCLUDE of the recent docs.

Or what I do is the reverse, have it all unchecked, and I've added an INCLUDE of the Office stuff I want cleaned.

Finally I get it! To preserve the MS Office Recent Document lists that pop up within MS Office apps, Exclude the folder below from CCleaner. This is where MS Office stores a link for each Recent Document (MRU data) seen within the MS Office Apps. The path below works for WIn7 - Office 2010 and for Win8 Office 2013.


Of course, substitute your account name for the YOURACCOUNT information.

In CCleaner Select: Options, Exclude, Add, Folder, and browse to the one listed above.

(Corrected:) I found that, to preserve the MS Office Recent Document list, all I had to do was UNcheck the Office application.

In the past, it seemed like I had to also exclude the office Recent folder, but as of 12/20/2014 with CCleaner 5.01 that is not needed.

You must have the application MS Office UNchecked. To do this, in CCleaner, select the Applications panel (click on "Applications" near the top of the window beside the word "Windows"), then scroll down to find its "Applications" section (below Windows Store), and UNcheck "Office 2013" or whatever your office is.

[i may be wrong about this, but it seemed like I had to check this Office 2013, run a clean and then UNcheck Office 2013 to make it work right, but that seems wierd.]

Other settings do not appear to matter. You can have "Windows Explorer - Recent Documents" checked or not, It does not matter (that clears the ...\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent folder and not the Office\Recent folder). Same is true for "Windows Explorer - Other Explorer MRUs", and "Internet Explorer - Recently typed URLs" - they do not matter as far as preserving the Office Recent Document list is concerned.

So the following folder exclude does NOT need to be done (at least not anymore) ...

In CCleaner Select: Options, Exclude, Add, Folder, and browse to the following...


and choose “All Files” (which tacks on the . above).

[substitute your account name for the YOURACCOUNT place holder].

FYI, I could not make CCleaner successfully exclude specific file types within the Recent folder - file types like *.xlsb or *.xls* or *.xlsb.LNK did not work.

Which is a shame, because there can be a lot of links in the Recent folder that I would like deleted, but I found no way to preserve just the types I wanted to keep.

[At one time, I thought I also had to exclude the file ...Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Low\SuggestedSites.dat, but that turned out to be wrong too.]
