Ccleaner causes Windows 10 Start button stop working

Dear Ms/Sir

My Windows 10 START button stopped working twice recently. Both happens after CCleaner sweep. I didn't think about the possibility last time, but tonight I happen to sweep and select Run at computer start then restart the computer after maybe 20 minutes. The Windows 10 START button stops working again. Will you please look at the possibility of CCleaner wipes out certain document of Windows and stops START button to function?

Thank you very much.


Are you doing a regular clean or a registry clean?

Having said that it's probably due more to your Windows 10 install or a Windows update being not quite installed correctly, rather than CCleaner or any other software.

There are known problems with the start menu on some installations of Win 10 (and 8, 8.1).

If you google "windows 10 start button not working" you will get plenty of results and fixes for the problem.

Try reading this for a start, which gives some step by step instructions to fix these start menu problems:


Thank you for reply. I did what the google search results informed me after the first incident. But what I am thinking is that it may have something to do with CCleaner because both incidents happened after I used CCleaner. I always do regular clean.

Thank you.


I have been using CCleaner daily, first with XP, then Win 8.1, and since last July with Win 10, as have many others, and have never had a problem like this.

Indeed it is hard to see how CCleaner could be causing this problem in normal use, unless you somehow deleted a vital registry entry.

There again I have used the registry cleaner, usually after large Windows upgrades/updates, and again never had this or any other problem.

I still believe that this is a Windows problem rather than a CCleaner problem.

It may be down to your system architecture, particularly if you have any kind of custom build.

eg. there were a lot of problems with Nvidia graphics cards when Win 10 first launched.

If it were a CCleaner problem then I would expect to see a lot more people shouting about it here.

As there are a lot of reports and articles online about this Start Menu problem, and presumably not everyone is using CCleaner, it would suggest that it is your Win 10 installation itself that is the problem rather than any particular software.


Just a thought here, when your start menu button stops working have you tried right clicking on it?

This should bring up an alternative context menu.

Anybody else have any suggestions?

Dear Nukecad

Thank you for your reply. I changed CCleaner settings to "Run CCleaner when the Computer Starts" option after the regular sweep both times then powered off the computer. I don't know if it means a registry sweep. The START button problem occurred after I reboot the computer the next days.

I am not sure CClearner causes the problem. I do see vast quantity of complaints of the Windows 10 START button issue online and not everyone uses CCleaner. But I am just asking the question and hope to get the development team's notice to make sure.

Thank you.


another thing. This problem didn't occur to me when I upgraded to Windows 10 from 8.x. It started just recently.


What is your AV software?

I ask because I have seen Avast on two PC's kill the Win10 Start button (as well as the right mouse click context menu).

PNL, this is not just you. I experienced similar things a few months back (and posted about it but maybe the forum software was updated cause it's gone now). In fact the only reason I went on the forum today was to see if anyone else repoted this, or if Piriform has found it repeatable.

Not only was the start menu broken, but my Windows Store wouldn't launch in Windows 10, and a bunch of other problems. This happened twice after using CCleaner and the only way I could fix it was to do a full Windows Reset.

I suspect it's the registry cleaner that does it.

JeremyGNJ your previous post (which is here by the way)

had nothing to do with Windows 10 start button which is what this topic is about.

I've spent quite a few hours to figure out this issue when I installed windows 10 back then, my start menu would break everytime and the cause was that I had Microsoft Edge cleaning options selected. I am pretty sure if you untick cleaning options for Microsoft Edge your start menu won't break anymore.

I've spent quite a few hours to figure out this issue when I installed windows 10 back then, my start menu would break everytime and the cause was that I had Microsoft Edge cleaning options selected. I am pretty sure if you untick cleaning options for Microsoft Edge your start menu won't break anymore.

That's interesting to know.

Just to clarify; do you mean the cleaning options in Edge itself, or in CCleaner?

That's interesting to know.

Just to clarify; do you mean the cleaning options in Edge itself, or in CCleaner?

Cleaning options in the CCleaner.

JeremyGNJ your previous post (which is here by the way)

had nothing to do with Windows 10 start button which is what this topic is about.

So you didn't read symptom number 6 of my original post?


This thread is only about the start menu issue.

Please talk about your many issues in your own thread .

Just speculating, but what I would pay attention to first is the "Clear menu order cache" option in CCleaner.

Since Wndows 10 start menu stores the menu order and layout in a completely different way, this particular option in CCleaner might potentially corrupt or remove the new start menu ESENT database


I too have had problems with cCleaner disabling the start menu in Windows 10 it occurred immediately after doing a registry clean on 3 out of my 5 windows 10 Machines.

To prove this was not a fluke or an adoration I dropped a brand new drive in each machine & a clean image from the master backup the new images were tested 100% ok

Tried again same result these machines are all different permutations of ASUS motherboards with different AMD processors, & all use AMD on-board DVI / HDMI graphics

Some are 64 bit, & some are 32 bit so the only thing clear cut is that without using cCleaner no issues, do a registry clean problems straight after using it so its a problem.

I've been using cCleaner for many many years & have occasionally donated (not relevant). People whom I support ie friends relatives and clients who also use it report this

I have stopped using it and I have advised all that I support not to use it until something definitive is known, because every supposed known menu fix does nothing to fix this.

I would appreciate any helpful clues / suggestions ect

Kind Regards


do a registry clean problems straight after using it so its a problem.

Registry cleaning and not knowing exactly what's being removed is a tried and true way of messing up a computer, even if said registry cleaner is deemed by most of us as being more gentle.

Just speculating, but what I would pay attention to first is the "Clear menu order cache" option in CCleaner.

Since Wndows 10 start menu stores the menu order and layout in a completely different way, this particular option in CCleaner might potentially corrupt or remove the new start menu ESENT database


Do you mean the MUI Cache as my understanding this is the most used instruction cache (and the onle one mentioning cache in the list) or do you mean Start Menu Order as this i the only one that mentions menu or are they both involved

Kind Regards


Registry cleaning and not knowing exactly what's being removed is a tried and true way of messing up a computer, even if said registry cleaner is deemed by most of us as being more gentle.

I see

Well that's not a very helpful answer, I could take a hex dump of the registry import the registry backup do a second hex dump and analyze what was being removed and in 6 months time I may have the answer

That's why I thought I'd ask around in this forum I did not expect to be flamed by a novice smart arse with a real cheap shot that does nothing to further the discussion and nothing to solve the problem of users

Kind Regards


Just speculating, but what I would pay attention to first is the "Clear menu order cache" option in CCleaner.

Since Wndows 10 start menu stores the menu order and layout in a completely different way, this particular option in CCleaner might potentially corrupt or remove the new start menu ESENT database


I am curious because I am unsure after I looked at the options can you advise if you meant the MUI Cache (I assume this stands for most used instruction cache) as i is the only one mentioning the word "cache" in the list)

Alternately did you mean "Start Menu Order" as this i the only one I can find that mentions the word "menu", or are both of these settings involved, any advice appreciated. In the interim I unchecked both boxes on my Pc's

Kind Regards


BTW If anyone else has some clues on this please throw your hat and your ideas in the ring for analysis (trial & error)