CC Being Degraded on Dell Community Forums

A guy that answers many questions on the Dell Forum, and usually right on, indicated today that CC and other cleaners do bad things.

Maybe one of you guys with more knowledge than I can straighten him out?

i also heard this from the main hijackthis log checker at, he complained about ccleaner corrupting java, which it did..

edit: ya, i cant find the topic either :)

Can you link me to a topic where its being discussed? Sorry I'm too lazy to search. :D

i also heard this from the main hijackthis log checker at, he complained about ccleaner corrupting java, which it did..

edit: ya, i cant find the topic either :)

Can you link me to that as well? I haven't heard about this.

actually, i have no link, i may be able to salvage the PMs he sent me.

i suggested it to someone on the site and he got pissed off at me at told me never to mention it again on the site because its "untrustworthy".

Eh I never liked majorgeeks anyway. That site is ugly. :P

I've never been to their forum though. If its anywhere near as bad as the cnet one I'll just keep away. :ph34r:

my questions/comments/replies in bold :D

not gonna give out his name for obvious reasons, PM me if you want it :)

if you would like, try the latest version of and i doubt you will have trouble with it but if you do, just PM me and ill ask around for you.

its weird becuase nobody on the CC forums are complaining of such problems.

let me know if you try it.

I've been using CCleaner for a very long time. I recieve updates weekly from them and such. I keep the current version however I do not recommend nor use the Issues tab because of the issues I've experienced. It may have been resolved in the latest version but I will never trust it again due to the problems I had.

may i ask what you had issues with?

It's been a few years since it happened since I've quit using that tab. The main problems I had was Java related. After running the Issues scan I had problems with Yahoo Messenger loading and connecting, connecting to Yahoo Games that use Java and other Java applets that load in IE. All of these problems occurred right after the issues tab was ran and the system was rebooted. Nothing else was ran or performed so I know it was the Issues tab in CCleaner. Like I said I'm not sure if the new versions do it but I will not trust it from my experience using it. To this day I do not recommend anyone use it because Reg Cleaners are made for a reason IMO.

v1.10.059 and v1.18.099 have stuff about java.

you must have been using this or a previous version.

did you make a backup first? then you just merge it into the registry and its like you didnt even run the scanner.

heres version info,

Yes, I'm very familiar with CCleaner and its versions however I have heard from many users this has caused issues. Having to load a backup to fix problems is a waste of time, using a Reg Cleaner such as Reg Supreme or Registry Mechanic does the job right.

Like I said I am not sure what the Issues tab does now that it has been updated numerous times but I will never trust it again nor recommend it to anyone due to my experience with it. I always recommend a Reg cleaner if needed, reg cleaners are not perfect they also make mistakes but I have never had a problem from running one.

Having to load a backup to fix problems is a waste of time, using a Reg Cleaner such as Reg Supreme or Registry Mechanic does the job right.

:lol: Anyone here try either one of those programs? They have both been known to do some serious damage(granted to probably less then advanced users) but at least ccleaner doesn't break anything.

Like I said I've been using ccleaner for a while now on quite a few pcs and its never broken java.

@mudd I did a search for ccleaner on the dell forums and all I got was mostly HJT logs where someone was recommending it.(so at least someone still has some sense over there :P)

The Post went:


d_may wrote:

I recently ran CC Cleaner and where I had logged in to a web site, now I have to log in again. Does running this cleaner remove the log in information so that a person has to log in again?


It removed your cookies, so every site you log into you'll have to again...

Using a product like CC Cleaner can damage your Windows installation, and should not be used unless you understand exactly what it's doing."


The worst is the post has been read 56 time already, so a lot of those people will believe it also.

i think thats reasonable to assume.

and should not be used unless you understand exactly what it's doing."

people like to just check off any option without looking into it or even asking about it.

you should ask him how he knows it does this and what it does to damage the windows installation. :D

Ok found it :)

"you should ask him how he knows it does this and what it does to damage the windows installation."

That's exactly why I posted! I'm not a PC person at all, know nothing, see nothing. Thought someone with some expertise might set him straight.

Thought someone with some expertise might set him straight.

Most people on other sites/forums that post such comments aren't going to have their minds changed by someone from here jumping into their dicussion trying to properly inform/teach them. In most cases it's a waste of time to even try.

Most people on other sites/forums that post such comments aren't going to have their minds changed by someone from here jumping into their dicussion trying to properly inform/teach them. In most cases it's a waste of time to even try.

Did you by chance post there as neighbor*** and if you did you caused him to shut up at lease. He never gave an answer, just referred to the search for other people having problems using Reg Cleaners.

At least some people didn't let him get away with it.

I haven't even looked at that post/thread on Dell's website so it wasn't me and I sure wouldn't use someone else's Internet nickname as to me that's a form of blasphemy. Hell it's enough of a problem for me to even visit the Dell website to look for updated drivers/software for my Dell system.

Well it's still going. Why I thought it might be you is the apparent difference in opinions of CC.

There is a new post Optimizing the Registry. Same characters, same old stuff.

its me :D

i also heard this from the main hijackthis log checker at, he complained about ccleaner corrupting java, which it did..

That may be so, but majorgeeks DOES support CCleaner (moderators, admins, etc...). CCleaner is still a required procedure on their malware removal forum prior to posting a HJT log. See Here

However, I would like to note that I have noticed that most malware removal experts do not like the registry cleaning part of any program. I am not clear why this is so, but I have seen this commonality.

Why I thought it might be you is the apparent difference in opinions of CC.

Look below "TheFireInTheSky's" avatar. It says "aka neighboraaron". ;)

Look below "TheFireInTheSky's" avatar. It says "aka neighboring". ;)

Well I should have noticed but never do look there. When seeing something like this again I'll try to remember.

You didn't get a positive answer I see, just a "around the bush type."

You didn't get a positive answer I see, just a "around the bush type."

I finally looked at that thread and it's like I thought and knew from experience that butting into another site/forum to correct someone is usually a waste of time - unless of course the software developer/company which is the supreme authority for such conflicts replies directly to such uninformed discussion to squash it.

It doesn't help when users of any software title don't visit the official software title forum to get a straight and honest reply without it being layered with a run-of-the-mill reply from someone that is making an assessment of a software title they obviously don't even use or understand and are judging from prior experiences with other "similiar" software titles that may have caused grief.

CCleaner doesn't butcher the registry so I don't really get what that person is going on about.

over the last couple of years ive tried a ton of programs and lots of registry cleaners and had some horrible results (can you say reformat?).

never once had a problem with ccleaner ruining things. :)