Andavari, I,m confused. I just got the new version a few days ago. Is this AVG or Ewido. and wasn,t it You that sais AVG was destroying itself? Just trying to figure out whether to download this version. Thanks Cowboy
This is the new virus scanner, it isn't the anti-spyware application!
And yes at v7.1 it was destroying itself during update, but I didn't have that problem during a quick 1 hour test with v7.5 earlier, however I then uninstalled it after a quick scan. Whatsmore it now has on the GUI a status of the components being installed correctly, and the system being protected - who knows maybe they had seen my post about it self destructing or other people reported it.
The scan summary afterwords will cycle from the pop-up stats into a more informed window view with the scan time, etc., without having to go into the scan logs as the previous version.
Ok thanks for clearing that up Andavari. I guess I can just install it over the top of the other one without uninstalling it. is that correct ?. Thanks again. Cowboy
I guess i,m just stupid. the only thing i could find to download only gave the option to open or save. No, next welcome, none of that crap, I clicked save & it started a 17mb download, never could get it, thats to big for dialup. Oh well I,ll just keep what i got I guess, Thanks again. Cowboy
Andavari or anyone. My puter constantly freezes up. only choice is to shut down manually. I went to My error logs and the only things that show up at the exact time of freezes is ( AVG EMS & AVG 7updsvc ) I have still not been able to update to the 7.5. & have shut the automatic scanner off & the scheduler. But it still does it. I never had a freezing problem untill I installed a legal version of windows home xp sp2 . & I think I installed AVG free right after & have had the problem ever since. I,ve threw every scanner I can find at it & I,m clean. went to pcpitstop & did an online test with NO problems, & someone suggested windows live onecare, I installed it & as soon as I hit scan it froze again. I looked to see where it went and cant find it to uninstall. Any ideas on what to do. Or should I just start over with a clean install. ? I,m lost. & I also uninstalled Spyware docter. and advanced windows care beta. Thanks for any help. Cowboy
Sorry I forgot to add, that everytime I run ccleaner it shows. WGA error log & WGA notify, is that still calling home to microsoft everyday, Or am I thinking of something else? & could that be some of My problem ? sorry for the stupid questions . & thanks again. Cowboy
Thanks Andavari, I uninstalled & installed the 7.5. & even the new IE 7, & superantispyware. about 10 hours of downloads on dialup . I kinda thought My problem was solved . But the it froze again. i posted a HJT & rrigely has been helpin Me but have concluded I need to Reformat. So I,m gonna wait & see How bad it gets before doing that, It would take Me forever to update & install all that crap again. Anyway thanks For Your advice & help. Cowboy
Andavari, Once again thanks. But do I need to run that in the safe mode, ? because it wont let Me the other way. it says program allready in use. Would You like to run it on restart, I typed in Y & it still wouldn,t do it when I rebooted. Also My puter still freezes every morning at exactly 8.05 am. & nothing shows in the error logs as a problem & I have no scheduling enabled of any kind. Is it possible it has something to do with WGA notify calling home ? as it shows every time I run Ccleaner. I,ve asked this question several times with no response. I am running a legit copy.& why would it keep checking. Or Am I missing something. Thanks, Cowboy
Your system freezing at exactly 8:05am sounds like you need to post a HijackThis log in the proper forum area and one of the experts can analysis your log.
Andavari, i allready did. & rrigely said it was fine & had Me run dialafix , & I couldn,t run it without problems. He checked with Djlizard & He,s the one that said I needed to do a new install. Now what ? I just got everything downloaded & updated , Any other Ideas ? Cowboy
It must be really frustrating for you cowboy this problem.
If things can be run in safe mode which is just the basic things as you know, perhaps adding things one at a time from the start menu would perhaps help find the culprit. I did read somewhere (and I'm still searching for it) about how you can use windows explorer and go to your start menu folder and drag and drop them onto the desktop and then add one at a time. But as I said it's a while since I read it so not certain. ( perhaps just use run-msconfig)
You never know, you could always try this below, it causes lots of computer problems, unlikely but it cannot harm anything, the answer was in post number 7
But I wouln't have a clue if that was your problem.
When you said re install, did you mean straight over the top of the one you have, to see if it repaired anything?
When it freezes in the morning, you are online are you? Have you asked your local telephone exchange if they know of anything which could account for this?
Don't give up cowboy.
P.S. Could your power supply be unstable, if I remember you make your own!!
He checked with Djlizard & He,s the one that said I needed to do a new install.
Ah I didn't know the full story behind it all and now know why you need to do a reinstall, see this guide for fixing your currently install XP. DjLizard knows his stuff, so reinstalling is then your best solution.
OK , Hazelnut, first off thanks gain for the links, I had read Your post before about static electricity & have tried it many times. As far as the WGA deal, at least i dont have that guys problems, hehe. & honestly I,ve done so many things trying to resolve this issue, i cant even remember what all I,ve done, But I,m perty sure i,ve run every test, fix ,Scan & even a few prayers here & there. I have wasted the last year trying to get things right in this only year old puter. including uninstalling everything I ever installed & reinstalling new and updated stuff, like IE 7 , AVG, spywareblaster, & superanti spyware. Everything except a complete reinstall of My Windows home xp sp2. Which will be My next step. & then all I,ll have to do , is spend the next month updating everything. I,ve also. fixed all phoneline problems & am positive I have no electrical issues, or power supply problems . & No I do not even have to be online for it to freeze. I have even tryed opening task manager & watching the processes to see if anything pops up during Or causing the freeze, and Nothing changes. So I,m perty much down to one thing. But I have received an offer from someone on this board to put all updates, & other stuff I have installed on disks for Me & mailing them to Me. as I,m not sure how to back stuff up Myself, and have no idea how to copy stuff to cd,s or floppys, Anyway sorry for the long read, & Yes I,m very frustrated. But thanks to ALL of You for the help & suggestions. On the upside I have learned a lot going thru this and hopefully will be of some help to others to repay the help I,ve received. Thanks again for your help . You to Andavari & rrigely & res45. Cowboy
Ok everyone I just wanted to update everyone. I shutoff AVG & NO freeze. But now I kinda feel nakid, hehe evidently My puter dont like it, any suggestions on what to replace it with that wont be as bad or worse . Thanks again, Cowboy