After years of using Norton Security products, I'm getting sick of Norton resource hogging my PC's along with loads of other little problems and the high price tag for yearly updates and upgrades. I'm thinking of installing ZoneAlarm personal firewall (free edition) instead. But I can't decide on which Antivirus software to use along side it. I've herd loads of good things about Avast! and AVG, so I'm going to use either one of those, but can't decide which. What are your views on each and which do you recommend?
AVAST, no time to explain
AVAST! because Djlizard said it, and hes cool smart, and im a stuck up.
Lolol, I tried AVG didn't like it so.. out of process of elemination i'll say avast anyway XD.
I've used AVG 6 then 7 for quite sometime ( had norton b4).
Came to this forum read about Avast av.
Lee16 & others recommended Avast. Removed AVG 7, gave Avast a try &.....I love it. Its much better then AVG. It has no update problems like AVG ( sometimes it cannot be updated due to whatever ???)
I'm not a techy, but as a layman, I feel Avast is much better av.
Give a try. You might like it.
P/S - U want technical info about avast , do a search in this forum , you'll get the infos from experts over here.
it really depends... i like AVG because it is "lighter" on the system... but a more powerful ones, will be avast...
I've never had any trouble updating AVG. I can't really tell how effective it is, since we started using Firefox as our browser, we've only had one virus.
there is another great free antivirus... AntiVir Personal Edition...
I feel that Avast is light on resources as well.
Another vote for Avast. Hm, where's that poll when you need it.
so that will be 4 for avast and 2 for AVG...
but i dont think need to look further... since both DjLizard and Tarun said Avast...
I'm glad everyone values our opinion so much
Leaves you with that warm fuzzy tingling feeling inside don't it?
I've used both for a while now. Avast is definitly better, but AVG will still find things that Avast doesn't from time to time.
LEEnoble, i think you should try both of them to see which one of them you prefer...
Avast is just a plain better, it out proforms AVG, and is more powerful, iv never had any problems with it slowing down my PC, and i can remove a virus when it finds it, rather then it having to scan my whole system to remove it (like you have to in AVG).
Avast is great but I like Computer Associates. Microsoft offers a free one year trial of it. And for anyone who has used it in the past the interface is now much better.
To get the offer click the below link.
Avast is great but I like Computer Associates. Microsoft offers a free one year trial of it. And for anyone who has used it in the past the interface is now much better.To get the offer click the below link.
I'm curious what Dj would have to say about that one.
haven't tried it
You should. It has low resourse usage and I havent got a virus in the two years that Ive been using it. I liked it better than nortan, AVG, and Avast!.
Oh also, I use Zone Alarm pro and it dosent detect Avast as an antivirus, but it does detect Computer Associates. It may not matter, but it says that it monitors it and makes sure its doing its job. I like it!
ehem.... NOD32
The interface isn't all that great, but I love it. Low on system resources too. But you do have to pay for it. Did you say you were looking for a free av?